Server Hack Protection
Is your Server and Website always hacked and don't know what to do to improve security?
Do you need to secure your server?
We provide a 24/7 Server Protection Services to ensure that your IT infrastructure is under you control just as you want it to be. We achieve this by giving you a high level support allowing you to stay in business without any interruptions from external attacks.
Here at IbmiMedia, we will help to apply security measures which will make your site impenetrable to attacks and hackers. Our goal is to make your Server and website from from attacks!
We also offer Server Monitoring Services where we will help to detect new security flaws and exploits which may do no good to your server.
Our Server Security team focus on the following;
- Hardening of your Server
- Protecting your Website files and Directories
- Database Protection
- Backdoor detection and Fixing
- Server Downtime Prevention
- DoS attack, phishing, spamming Prevention.
- Detection of Linux Malware
- Email Server Exim Hardening
- PHP and Security and configuration
- Apache and Nginx Protection
- Mysql Security
We will apply an up-to-date security check and processes to increase Security and resist attacks from common threats, malwares, spywares, hackers or viruses.