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Drupal 7 "website encountered an unexpected error" - Fix it Now ?

This article covers method to resolve Drupal 7 "website encountered an unexpected error" ?

To find out what the real problem is,

  1. Add to settings.php: $config['system.logging']['error_level']='verbose';
  2. Also, In phpMyAdmin,delete some respective config files in the database.
  3. Just click on "config" and look for the reported files.

Install pgAdmin with Docker - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how to go about installing pgAdmin with Docker. By using Docker, we don’t have to worry about the installation of the PostgreSQL or pgAdmin. Moreover, you can use Docker to run this project on macOS, Windows, and Linux distributions.

Database management via a command-line interface can be nerve-racking. To solve this issue, we can use a tool with an interface. The pgAdmin solves this problem. Moreover, Docker makes the entire process smoother. 

To fix pgAdmin using Docker Installation issues:

Issue with following command,

$ docker run -p 80:80 \
    -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL="atinesh.s@gmail.com" \
    -d dpage/pgadmin4

pgAdmin "connection to the server has been lost" - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to resolve pgAdmin "connection to the server has been lost" error for our customers. When connecting to a PostgreSQL server, you may get this error message. From the error message you will be able to resolve the problem. 

If pgAdmin displays this message, there are two possible reasons for this:

  • the database server isn't running - simply start it.
  • the server isn't configured to accept TCP/IP requests on the address shown.

For security reasons, a PostgreSQL server "out of the box" doesn't listen on TCP/IP ports. Instead, it must be enabled to listen for TCP/IP requests. This can be done by adding listen_addresses=’*’; this will make the server accept connections on any IP interface.

Error: "backup doesn't exist" in VestaCP - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to resolve Error: "backup doesn't exist" in VestaCP which generally happens while migrating a user to a new server.

"FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry" – How to fix the PostgreSQL error ?

This article covers methods to resolve "FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry" error. Basically, the "no pg_hba.conf entry" can happen due to missing entries in the configuration file. 

A quick way to fix this PostgreSQL server error is to do the following steps:

1. Add or edit the following line in your postgresql.conf :

listen_addresses = '*'

2. Add the following line as the first line of pg_hba.conf. It allows access to all databases for all users with an encrypted password:

host  all  all md5

3. Restart Postgresql after adding this with service postgresql restart or the equivalent command for your setup.

OnApp Boot from ISO

This article covers how to boot from ISO on Onapp. OnApp allows uploading your custom bootable ISOs for recovery purposes. These could be different images for Windows/Linux/FreeBSD or any additional software. As a cloud administrator, you can limit user's ability to upload and manage ISOs by permissions and in buckets. You can boot virtual servers from your own ISOs or the ISOs that are uploaded and made publicly available by other users. 

If your cloud deployment is not a fresh installation, make sure to enable the following permissions for your Admin and other roles as appropriate:

  • Any action on ISOs - the user can take any action on ISOs.
  • Create a new ISO - the user can create a new ISO.
  • Destroy any ISO - the user can delete any ISO (own, user, and public).
  • Destroy own ISO - the user can only delete own ISO .
  • Destroy user ISO - the user can delete ISOs created by any user, but not public ISOs .
  • Make any ISO public - the user can make public any ISO available to all users.
  • Make own ISO public - the user can make public own ISOs only.
  • Make user ISO public - the user can make public ISOs created by any user .
  • Create and manage own ISOs - the user can create and edit/delete/view own ISOs.
  • Manage all ISOs - the user can manage own/user/public ISOs.
  • Create and manage user ISOs - the user can view/create/edit/delete ISOs created by any user.
  • See all ISOs - the user can view all ISOs in the cloud.
  • See own ISOs - the user can only view the ISOs created by themselves.
  • See all public ISOs - the user can view all public ISOs.
  • See user ISOs - the user can view the ISOs created by any user in the cloud.
  • Update any ISO - the user can edit any ISO in the cloud.
  • Update own ISO - the user can only edit own ISO.
  • Update user ISO - the user can edit  the ISOs created by any user in the cloud.

By default ISOs are available only to those users who uploaded them. These ISO images are available in the My ISOs tab. 

To make your ISO public and accessible for all users:

  • Go to your Control Panel > Cloud > Templates > ISO List menu.
  • Click My ISOs tab.
  • Click the Actions button next to the ISO you want to make public, then select Make public.
  • Confirm the window that pops up.
  • When you make a user ISO public, it is moved to the System ISOs tab.