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SolusVM 'No bootable device' error - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to fix SolusVM 'No bootable device' error for our customers.

To fix this error:

  • Log into SolusVM Master interface.
  • Open Virtual Server and remove created VPS.
  • Create a new VPS via SolusVM > Virtual Servers > Add Virtual Servers > KVM with HDD Space bigger than the size of the sum of the main partition and SWAP and SWAP bigger than the default value of the template - from the example above - HDD Space should be 22 GB and SWAP - 2000 MB.

SolusVM html5 and vnc consoles not working - Fix it Now ?

This article covers how to fix "Server disconnected (code:1006)". Basically, this error happens as a result of misconfiguration in the noVNC feature or when SSL settings required for NoVNC to work are not configured.

Allow remote access to phppgadmin - The easy way

This article covers how to Install, configure and enable remote access to phpPgAdmin. Here you will learn how to enable remote access to PostgreSQL server on a Plesk server.

To Access PhpPgAdmin On Linux And MacOS:

1. Open a new terminal window on your local system (for example, using “Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal” in macOS or the Dash in Ubuntu).

2. Make sure that you have your SSH credentials (.pem key file) in hand.

3. un the following command to configure the SSH tunnel using the SSH key file. Remember to replace KEYFILE with the path to your private key and SERVER-IP with the public IP address or hostname of your server:

$ ssh -N -L 8888: -i KEYFILE bitnami@SERVER-IP

Remember that if you are redirecting HTTP requests to the HTTPS port, you must use destination port 443 instead of 80.

4. Access the phpPgAdmin console through the secure SSH tunnel you created, by browsing to

5. Log in to phpPgAdmin by using the following credentials:

Username: postgres.
Password: application password.

SolusVM slave connection error - Fix it Now ?

This article covers how to fix solusVM connection error. Basically, while accessing SolusVM Admin control panel users often receive different connection errors related to solusVM slave.

To fix Master SolusVM error:

1. Install repository:

$ yum install solusvm-release

2. shutdown lighttpd service:

$ service lighttpd stop
$ chkconfig lighttpd off

3. install nginx and legacy configuration file

$ yum install svmstack-nginx svmstack-nginx-legacy-slave-config

4. start new service

$ service svmstack-nginx restart
$ service svmstack-fpm restart

Exim message is frozen – Clear frozen emails Now?

This article covers fix the Exim error for our customers. While the mail server doesn't require much interaction for sending or receiving average volumes of email, there may be times when you need to manage Exim's settings.

To Remove all frozen messages, run the command:

# exiqgrep -z -i | xargs exim -Mrm

To Remove all messages older than a defined number of seconds:

# exiqgrep -o seconds -i | xargs exim -Mrm

Migrate solusvm to proxmox – easy steps to implement this task ?

This article covers how to Migrate solusvm to proxmox.

To Migrate KVM VM's from SolusVM to Promox:

  • Take LVM snapshot of currently running SolusVM KVM CentOS7 instance.
  • dd the snapshot and copy it to the Proxmox Hypverisor.
  • Create a new KVM on the Proxmox server with LVM disks the same size as the source.
  • dd the raw snapshot image to the LVM device ie vm-VMID-disk-0.
  • Boot the new VM with CentOS 7 rescue CD and fix device names, update initramfs, etc and reboot.