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This article covers GUI testing which refers to testing the functions of an application that are visible to a user. In the example of a calculator application, this would include verifying that the application responds correctly to events such as clicking on the number and function buttons.
Basically, the web UI testing revolves around the graphical user interface (GUI) testing that includes testing of both the functionality and usability of the website or the web app. By specifically using web UI testing, it refers to testing GUI elements like fonts, layouts, buttons, checkboxes, images, colours, and so on.
What we check in GUI Testing?
1. Testing the size, position, height, width of the visual elements.
2. Verifying and testing the error messages are displayed or not.
3. Testing different sections of the display screen.
4. Verifying the usability of carousel arrows.
5. Checking the navigation elements at the top of the page.
GUI Testing is a software testing type that checks the Graphical User Interface of the Software.
The purpose of Graphical User Interface (GUI) Testing is to ensure the functionalities of software application work as per specifications by checking screens and controls like menus, buttons, icons, and so on.
Benefits of GUI Testing:
1. Tests the user interface from the users perspective.
2. Efficiently reduces the number of risks towards the end of development life cycle.
3. Offers developers and testers ease of use and learning.
4. Helps validate the compliance of various icons and elements with their design specifications.
This article covers how to resolve the error, SQL Attributes do not match. Basically, the error, Attributes do not match occurs during SQL Server installation or during SQL Server patching activity.
Once you get this issue, you can check all drives available on your database server whether they are compressed or not. If any drive is compressed and SQL Server is using that drive during installation then that might be the reason for getting issue Attributes do not match.
You need to uncompress all such drives and then start the installation.
To uncompress the drive we need to launch property window of that drive:
1. We just need to right click on the identified drive and choose Properties to see the status of compression.
2. You can see compress this drive to save disk space option is ticked.
3. Uncheck this option and click on OK button to apply the change.
4. Once you validated all drives that none of the drives are compressed then you can start SQL Server installation and this time SQL Server installation will be successful.
When installing SQL server and running into an error "Attributes do not match.
Present attributes (Directory, Compressed) , included attributes (0), excluded attributes (Compressed, Encrypted)".
This is because you are trying to install SQL into a folder that is compressed which is not supported.
To fix this;
1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL server folder
2. Right click on properties on SQL Server folder.
3. Under advanced option in general tab, look for compress contents to save disk space, uncheck it.
4. Also, uncheck "encrypt contents to secure data"
5. Re-run the SQL install
This article covers different methods to resolve the error, Nagios: No lock file found. Basically, "No lock file found in /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.lock" means that the service isn't running.
To fix this Nagios error:
Execute the command:
$ /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
Running the command above simply starts the nagios daemon and points it to a specific config file.
The advantage to running this command manually over systemd is that when you run "service nagios start" this typically calls the /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios script which contains a line with parametrized environment variables:
$NagiosBin -d $NagiosCfgFile
Because every system is different, not specifying either the bin nor config directories could lead to nagios breaking (stopping) when it tries to start using the default installation directory paths
This article covers how to resolve the 'Administration Page Fails To Display' in the Nagios Log Server issue for our customers.
To fix this Nagios error, all you need to do is to:
1. Increase the PHP memory_limit in php.ini file.
You can execute the following command:
$ find /etc -name php.ini
2. Then make the necessary changes.
3. After which you should restart Apache for the changes to take effect using one of the commands below:
$ systemctl restart apache2.service
4. Once the service has restarted, the Administration page will be accessible.
If the problem persists, please increase the value again.
When using the vi editor in Linux:
1. To make changes press i on the keyboard first to enter insert mode
2. Press Esc to exit insert mode
3. When you have finished, save the changes in vi by typing :wq and press Enter
This article covers methods of resolving No SSL/library support: Web Agent installation error. This issue arises when you are trying to install a 32bit version of the agent on a 64bit system; the 32bit version of the agentadmin tool cannot open the 64bit SSL libraries.
Therefore, If your operating system does not include native openssl packages, you must install OpenSSL.
To fix this Web Agent installation error on Linux:
1. Ensure you are installing the appropriate version of the agent; if you have a 64bit operating system, you must install the 64bit agent.
2. Ensure either the operating system provides native openssl packages or OpenSSL is installed. If you are using OpenSSL, you can check that the OpenSSL libraries are in the correct location as follows and add them if they are missing:
a. Check that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is set. For example: $ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
b. Check that the OpenSSL libraries ( and are available in the path specified in this environment variable (LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
This article covers how to configure multi-tenancy in Nagios log server.
Multi-Tenancy works by assigning which hosts a user is allowed to see in the Nagios Log Server interface.
Hosts can also be placed in a host list and then applied to the users who will be allowed access.
NOTE: API users and administrators will be able to work around any restrictions placed on them, this
functionality only applies for regular users.