
Solve SQL server error 7416

SQL server error 7416 occurs in the process of accessing data in relation to a linked server.

We do help numerous customers resolve SQL related issues as part of our Server Support services.
In this context, we shall look into why this error occurs and how best to fix it.

More about SQL server error 7416

Changes in permission and access of logins might have some daring effect on them. This might trigger error 7416 message when data is being accessed via linked servers which worked previously. Different factors could be responsible for this SQL server issue ranging from the following;

Distorted files
Hardware issues
When irrelevant programs are installed
Inappropriate security settings
Registry Misconfiguration
Corrupted Windows operating system.
Unsecured Startup entries

How we solved SQL server error 7416

The "no login-mapping error" is mostly as a result of issues in the security settings of the linked server. It is seen when not defined logins settings is set to "not be made".
A quick fix would be to use other options in the server login mappings settings.

In other cases, this error is caused by not using a login to run commands. using a username will give such errors since the user is not mapped to the login. Using the user id with the connection string will help fix it.

In addition to this, running multiple applications at the same time may cause a crash and freezing experience. It is recommended to add a new login to the linked server to solve this issue. For example, lets say the username is  "myUsername", the sql script to use is;

Use master
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
@server = N’LinkedServerName’,
@srvproduct = ‘MS SQL Server Product’,
@provstr=N’SERVER=ServerName\InstanceName;User ID=myUsername’
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = N’LinkedServerName’,
@locallogin = NULL ,
@useself = N’False’,
@rmtuser = N’myUsername’,
@rmtpassword = N’*****’

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Most sql users discover that the logins which they used before suddenly develops server error 7416.