Nginx error while loading shared libraries - Fix it Now ?
This article covers methods to resolve error, Nginx error while loading shared libraries for our customers.
This error happens when Nginx is looking for a file which comes under the PCRE library and cannot find it because it is not available in the system.
To install PCRE with the below command:
$ yum install pcre
If you don't have root privilege, then you may ask the system administrator to install it.
Steps to convert htaccess to NGINX
This tutorial will guide you on how to convert htaccess to nginx directives by keeping the directives within the server block while converting the .htaccess rewrite rules to NGINX rewrite directives.
Nginx 502 bad gateway
This article will help to fix Nginx 502 Bad Gateway which generally occurs when Nginx runs as a reverse proxy, and is unable to connect to backend services due to service crashes, network errors, and configuration issues.
How to fix ssl_stapling ignored ssl error
ssl_stapling ignored Certificate error occurs when there are problems in the Certificate files experienced while trying to restart Nginx web server.
Easy way to fix connection timed out error during http-01 challenge propagation in Kubernetes
Best fix to "Connection timed out" error during http-01 challenge propagation.