

"psql :could not connect to server: no route to host" - Fix it Now ?

This article covers how to fix the "could not connect to server: No route to host" PostgreSQL error. Basically, the "could not connect to server: No route to host" triggers while connecting to PostgreSQL due to a number of reasons.

Make the Iptables rules different in Master and Slave.

iptables -L INPUT
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -F INPUT 
iptables -F OUTPUT
iptables  -F FORWARD

"SR BACKEND FAILURE 181" error - Fix it Now ?

This article covers how to fix "SR BACKEND FAILURE 181" error. Generally, user experiences issues with any storage related operations after installation or upgrade to XenServer 6.x. 

As a workaround, you can remove all special characters from the virtual machine name-label and description fields.  Contact our Technical Support to assist you in resolving the issue. 

Note: Special character should not be used for the storage repository and description field.

Plesk git authentication failed - Fix it Now ?

This article covers how to authenticate via HTTP when connecting to a remote Git repository in Plesk. HTTP/HTTPS authentication is not supported.

Authentication should be performed with an SSH key generated by Plesk (refer to Use SSH Connection for details).

It is possible to use HTTP/HTTPS protocol only if a repository does not require authentication.

Citrix XenServer internal error - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to fix Citrix XenServer internal error for our customers. This error occurs because the Control Domain (Dom0) on the XenServer which runs the VM, attaches the Virtual Disk Image (VDI) of the VM to Control Domain. 

This attached disk is then operated by the Control Domain to perform the operations which has been initiated on the VM. As the operation fails, the VDI is still attached to the control domain through a Virtual Block Device (VBD) connection that needs to be destroyed. 

XenApp Error 10060 - Fix it Now ?

This article covers method to fix XenApp Error 10060 for our customers. Users trying to launch the desktop enabling the "HDX Adaptive Transport" policy set to Diagnostic and it fails with an error: 'Unable to connect to the server. Contact your system administrator with the following error: There is no Citrix XenApp server configured on the specified address. (Socket Error 10060)'.

To fix this error, Ensure UDP 1494 and 2598 ports open on the VDA I connect back to the Citrix desktop, run CtxSession /v and receive confirmation that we are now using UDP 2598. This means that HDX Enlightened Data Transport is being used with Session Reliability. You can also check Director and note the protocol will be set as UDP.

OnApp "Error unable to connect to node rabbit"

This article covers method to fix OnApp error  'unable to connect to node rabbit' for our customers. This issue can happen on power outages or just because a Control Panel server was restarted by Reset button.