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Top 5 Web Browsers 2021

This article covers the topmost web browsers that are best in terms of privacy, speed, compatibility, updates, and support. The browser that has proved to be the best amongst its competitors is Mozilla Firefox which has answered the utmost concern of many, i.e., privacy.
Mozilla Firefox despite offering efficient mechanisms to ensure user data privacy also provides speed and efficiency making it top our list of best 5 web browsers. Chrome is very popular across the globe still tops the list of many reviewers but its speed and privacy features are no way near to Mozilla Firefox, as per our opinion.
However, it still comes on second of our list of top 5 web browsers and other web browsers giving Mozilla Firefox a tough competition is also discussed.

We believe, the web browsers that are based on or have shifted to the state-of-the-art Chromium-based platform have instantly revitalized their game for which Google Chrome must take the credit as Google was the first one to adopt the paradigm.
Nevertheless, the browser wars are never-ending, and it is still a question if Mozilla can continue to enhance and top our list and other reviewer's list in the future as well.

Top 5 Popular Operating Systems

This article covers the top five best performing operating systems in the market. Many reviewers and experts categorize operating systems in different types, i.e., some may categorize OS best for businesses or universities or etc.
However, here in this article, we have compiled a list of best-performing client-based OS that is optimal to carry out the client-side requests easily and efficiently. However, some of the listed OS is also used and considered best for the server-side as well, e.g., Linux-based OS.
Microsoft Windows tops our list mainly due to its adaptability, compatibility, features, and performance. Apple macOS comes second on the list despite offering limited compatibility to non-Apple users due to its enormous security policies and measures.

Data integrity and security are key to success for any platform, system, or application in this age because of the increasing data threats and their misuse.
Linux-based OS, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Elementary OS concludes our list of the best five OS as the paradigms besides being open-source offer numerous features along with compatibility, speed, and security.

Install NextCloud on Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how to Install NextCloud on Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache (LAMP Stack). You can now upload your files and collaborate with your team members on NextCloud. This way you have full control of your data.
Nextcloud, a fork of ownCloud, is a file sharing server that permits you to store your personal content, like documents and pictures, in a centralized location, much like Dropbox.
The difference with Nextcloud is that all of its features are open-source.
It also returns the control and security of your sensitive data back to you, thus eliminating the use of a third-party cloud hosting service.

To install Nextcloud on Ubuntu:

1. To download the Nextcloud snap package and install it on the system, type:

$ sudo snap install nextcloud

2. The Nextcloud package will be downloaded and installed on your server. You can confirm that the installation process was successful by listing the changes associated with the snap:

$ snap changes nextcloud

Abstract Factory – Design Patterns in Python

This article covers Abstract Factory design pattern in Python.

Basically, The Abstract Factory design pattern can also be used to create cross-platform UIs without coupling the client code to concrete UI classes and keeping all created views consistent with different operating systems.

Abstract Factory is a creational design pattern, which solves the problem of creating entire product families without specifying their concrete classes.

Abstract Factory Method is a Creational Design pattern that allows you to produce the families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes.
Using the abstract factory method, we have the easiest ways to produce a similar type of many objects.
It provides a way to encapsulate a group of individual factories.

Advantages of using Abstract Factory method:
This pattern is particularly useful when the client doesn’t know exactly what type to create.
1. It is easy to introduce the new variants of the products without breaking the existing client code.
2. Products which we are getting from factory are surely compatible with each other.

Disadvantages of using Abstract Factory method:
1. Our simple code may become complicated due to the existence of lot of classes.
2. We end up with huge number of small fies i.e, cluttering of files.

Examples of Factory pattern in Python:
1. With the Factory pattern, you produce instances of implementations (Apple, Banana, Cherry, etc.) of a particular interface -- say, IFruit.
2. With the Abstract Factory pattern, you provide a way for anyone to provide their own factory. This allows your warehouse to be either an IFruitFactory or an IJuiceFactory, without requiring your warehouse to know anything about fruits or juices.

Use CAT Command to Combine Text Files in Ubuntu 20.04 - Do it now ?

This article covers the detailed examples used for combining the text files in Ubuntu 20.04 system using the CAT command.
Users can easily use these methods to merge text from multiple files and sort it into another file.

They can also append text from one file to another file using the Ubuntu terminal.

Install Slack on Ubuntu 20.04 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers the different methods of installation of Slack on the Ubuntu 20.04 system in detail.
Slack is a well-known and modern communication tool used to organize various communications in channels so that teams can work together and communicate when needed.

Slack Installation on Ubuntu using Snap package:
1. Install snapd package in your system. write the appended command, and then hit enter.

$ sudo apt install snapd

2. If the latest apt is not installed in your system then try using apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to get all of the available updates.
3. You can install the slack by using affixed command. You need to type this command on the terminal then press enter.

$ sudo snap install slack --classic