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How to Allow Docker Ports with iptables ?

By following the steps in this guide, you can easily allow Docker ports with iptables. This will allow you to access your Docker containers from outside your network, while still maintaining a secure environment.

For more information on iptables, please refer to the iptables documentation: https://linux.die.net/man/8/iptables.

Difference Between LXC, LXD and Docker Containers

This article covers the differences between Docker containers, LXD, and LXC. In fact, You can use any of these containers as per your working environment and the requirements as each container technology has its own advantage and the limitations. 

Install Docker on Debian 11 bullseye system

This article covers how to install Docker engine on the Debian 11 bullseye system. In fact, Docker is a toolset to build applications and CI/CD pipelines to build, ship and run your applications in containers.

DockerSlim to Minify, Optimize, and Secure Docker Container in Linux

This article covers how to install DockerSlim in the Linux system and how it can be used to optimize and secure Docker containers. DockerSlim has an interactive shell that you can use to slim and secure your containers.

You can open DockerSlim shell by typing docker-slim on you terminal.

The basic commands for dockerslim include:

  • Build – Analyzes, profiles and optimizes your container image then generates the supported security profiles.
  • xray – Used to perform a static analysis of a container image, you can use this command if you want to see what makes the container fat.
  • lint – Used to analyse container instructions in a DockerFile.
  • profile – Used to perform an analysis of the container image without generating an optimized image.

Install and Run Jenkins with Systemd and Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 - Best Method ?

This article covers how to Run Jenkins Server in Docker Container with Systemd. Jenkins is an opensource automation server that is designed to help software developers build, test and deploy applications and thereby streamline the continuous integration and delivery process. 

To create a system group for Jenkins, run the command:

$ sudo groupadd --system jenkins

Then create Jenkins system user:

$ sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin --system -g jenkins jenkins

And finally add Jenkins user to docker group as shown:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins

To confirm that Jenkins user is added to the docker group, run the id command as shown:

$ id jenkins

Install and Use Docker Compose on CentOS 8 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how to install and use the Docker-compose on CentOS 8 system. By using the Docker-compose, you can deploy multiple Docker applications with container services through a single command. 

Basically, Docker Compose is a tool that can be used to define and run multiple containers as a single service. With Docker Compose, you can link multiple containers and deploy an application from a single command. 

It is mainly used in the development, testing and staging environment. 

Docker Compose uses a YAML file to define a complex stack in a file and running it with a single command.

To install Docker on CentOS:

1. Before starting, make sure you have Docker installed on your server. If not installed, you will need to add Docker-CE repository to your system. 

You can add it with the following command:

$ dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo

2. Once the repository is added, install the latest version of docker using the following command:

# dnf install docker-ce --nobest -y
# systemctl start docker
# systemctl enable docker

3. You can verify the docker version with the following command:

$ docker --version