
Methods to shutdown Debian 10 from the command line and GUI ?

Debian 10 is a very famous and lightweight flavor of the Linux operating system.

It provides almost all the functionality that you can expect out of any other Linux distribution. 

However, at times a user might wonder how he can properly shut down his Debian 10 system in a way that will not cause any harm to his machine or to any of the applications running on it. 

Here at LinuxAPT, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to how to perform Debian related queries.

In this context, we shall look into the different methods through which you can safely shutdown your Debian 10 system including the command line and GUI.

Methods to shut Down Debian 10 ?

To shut down your Debian 10 system, you can follow any of the following methods.

1. Using the Power off Utility to shut down Debian

To use the "Power off" utility to shut down your Debian 10 system, you will have to follow these steps:

i. You need to click on the Activities menu.

ii. Doing this will cause a search bar to appear on your screen. You have to type in "power off" in that search bar and then click on the Power off utility result.

iii. After this, a dialogue box will be displayed on your screen from which you have to click on the "Power Off" button as highlighted in the following image to shut down your Debian 10 system immediately.

2. Using the Power off Button to shut down Debian

To use the "Power off" button to shut down your Debian 10 system, you will have to follow these steps:

i. You need to click on an arrow located at the top right corner of your taskbar.

ii. Doing this will cause a menu to appear on your screen from which you have to click on the Power off button.

iii. After this, a dialogue box will be displayed on your screen from which you have to click on the "Power Off" button to shut down your Debian 10 system immediately.

3. Using the "shutdown" Command to shut down Debian

To use the "shutdown" command to shut down your Debian 10 system, you will have to follow these steps:

You just have to execute the following command in your terminal and your Debian 10 system will shut down right after 60 seconds:

sudo shutdown

4. Using the "shutdown –poweroff" Command to shut down Debian

To use the "shutdown –poweroff" command to shut down your Debian 10 system, you will have to follow these steps:

You just have to execute the following command in your terminal and your Debian 10 system will shut down right after 60 seconds:

shutdown --poweroff

5. Using the "systemctl poweroff" Command

To use the "systemctl poweroff" command to shut down your Debian 10 system, you will have to follow these steps:

You just have to execute the following command in your terminal and your Debian 10 system will shut down right after 60 seconds:

systemctl poweroff

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This article will guide you on how to shut down your Debian 10 system properly using different methods.

If you run a desktop environment, there is usually an option to "log out" available from the #application menu that allows you to shutdown (or #reboot) the system. 

Alternatively you can press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del.

To shut down #Linux:

1. To shut down the system from a terminal session, sign in or "su" to the "root" account. 

2. Then type ``/sbin/shutdown -r now''. It may take several moments for all processes to be terminated, and then Linux will shut down.