How to fix SQL Server Error 824
SQL Server Error 824 is a logical Input/Output (I/O) error which affects database and makes it to be damaged or corrupted.
Solve microsoft SQL server error 15173
Microsoft SQL Server Error 15173 occurs when a login fails to drop from a SQL server instance.
How to fix SQL Server Error 5172
SQL Server Error 5172 can be triggered when trying to attach an MDF or LDF database file on the machine.
Solve SQL error 926
When a recovery process fails it makes the
SQL database to assume an inconsistent transactional state leading to Microsoft SQL server error 926.
How to fix SQL server error 15150
When trying to update a login from dbo to some other login due to permissions issues with the database, an SQL server error 15150 occurs.
How to Audit failed logins in sql server
To analyze events which happened in an SQL Server, Auditing failed logins is very important.