
Category: SQL Issues and Solutions

Move table from one filegroup to another

This article will guide you on how to move a table to another filegroup manually, via T-SQL statements or by using a Table designer.

Steps to uninstall sql tools on RedHat Linux Server

This article will help you through the process of performing uninstalling SQL tools on RedHat Server.

MongoDB remote access configuration for Ubuntu

This article will guide you through the steps you can take to configure remote access for MongoDB on Ubuntu 18.04.

Modify PostgreSQL password on Linux using command line

This article will help you to change postgres user's password via the command line.

How to fix Microsoft SSMS activity monitor paused state error

SSMS activity monitor paused state error occurs when trying to access Activity Monitor in SQL Server Management Studio.

How to fix SQL Error 823

SQL Server error 823 results when there are hardware related issues with the SQL server such as disk errors power failures, or system problems.