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This article covers how to install the NetHogs network bandwidth monitoring utility very easily on your Linux Mint 20 system. In fact, you will be able to get the network bandwidth usage in real-time very efficiently without any sort of hassle.
This article covers the process of extracting compressed files to a specific directory in Linux.
To Unzip files in particular directory or folder under Linux, run the command:
$ unzip {.zip-file-name}-d {/path/to/extract}
This article covers how to use IFTOP utility in Linux. In fact, iftop is a network analyzing tool used by system administrators to view the bandwidth related stats. It basically acts as a diagnostics to diagnose which program is causing the problem to the network.
How to Install iftop command on Linux system ?
1. For RedHat based Linux:
$ yum install epel-release
$ yum install iftop
2. For Debian or Ubuntu Linux:
$ sudo apt install iftop
This article covers how to install and remove HexChat 10 buster edition. In fact, HexChat is a nice chatting utility to connect with IRC servers.
Installing hexchat package on Ubuntu is as easy as running the following commands on terminal:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install hexchat
How to Install HexChat in Linux ?
Run the below command as per your Linux distribution:
$ sudo apt install hexchat [On Debian/Ubuntu & Mint]
$ sudo yum install hexchat [On CentOS/RHEL 7]
$ sudo dnf install hexchat [On CentOS/RHEL 8 & Fedora]
$ sudo yay -S hexchat [On Arch Linux]
$ sudo zypper install hexchat [On OpenSUSE Linux]
$ sudo pkg install hexchat [On FreeBSD]
This article covers how Gnome-clocks can help keep track of time in multiple time zones for you. Now you can keep up with your work meetings and deadlines across the globe with a simple click. You can explore and use Gnome-clocks other features like timer, stopwatch, and Alarms and get a hundred percent performance out of it.
To install GNOME Clocks, simply run the below commands:
$ sudo apt install gnome-clocks
This article covers how you can read files and also handle directories with filenames that contain spaces in Linux. To to use files with spaces you can either use the escape character or use the double quotes. is called escape character, used to not expansion of space, so now bash read the space as part of file name.
How to Navigate to a directory with spaces in the directory name ?
To navigate to a directory with spaces in its directory name, use the syntax below:
$ cd directory\ name
To navigate to the directory 'linoxapt files' execute the command below:
$ cd linoxapt\ files