

Install BalenaEtcher on Debian 11 - Step by step guide ?

This article covers how you install and create a bootable disk drive using balenaEtcher on Debian 11 bullseye. In fact, balenaEtcher is a free and open-source flashing utility tool famous for writing image files such as .iso and .img files and zipped folders onto storage media to create live SD cards and USB flash drives.

How to Keep balenaEtcher Updated ?

To update balenaEtcher, use the apt-update command just as you would with any APT package or system update check:

$ sudo apt update

If an available update is listed, use the apt-upgrade command to proceed:

$ sudo apt upgrade

Install and Use Redshift in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Step by step guide ?

This article covers How to Install and Use Redshift on Ubuntu 20.04. In fact, Redshift is a tool that is used to adjust the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. The color temperature adapts to the time of the day. A different color temperature is set for the night and daytime. It applies a red hue or redness effect to your screen or graphical display. 

This helps reduce eye strain and lessen the risk of delayed sleep in case you are working in front of the screen at night. 

How to install redshift on Ubuntu 20.04 ?

To install Redshift, run the following commands:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install redshift redshift-gtk

Python filter() Function - Explained with Examples

This article covers how to use the filter() function in Python. In tact, the filter() function extracts elements from an iterable (list, tuple etc.) for which a function returns True.

filter() Arguments

The filter() function takes two arguments:

  • function - a function.
  • iterable - an iterable like sets, lists, tuples etc.

Python round() Function in Linux

This article covers how to use the round() function in Python. In fact, the round() function returns a floating-point number rounded to the specified number of decimals.

round() Return Value

The round() function returns the:

  • nearest integer to the given number if ndigits is not provided.
  • number rounded off to the ndigits digits if ndigits is provided.

htop Tool in Linux - htop command explained with examples

This article covers how to use the htop tool in Linux. In fact, the htop command is an interactive process viewer for Linux / Unix systems. It is a text-mode application and requires the ncurses library.

How to Install and Use Htop in Linux System ?

To install Htop on a Linux operating system distribution of your choice, reference one of the following installation commands:

$ sudo apt-get install htop     [On Debian, Ubuntu and Mint]
$ sudo yum install htop         [On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux]
$ sudo emerge sys-process/htop  [On Gentoo Linux]
$ sudo pacman -S htop           [On Arch Linux]
$ sudo zypper install htop      [On OpenSUSE]  

Host Command in Linux - Explained With examples

This article covers how to use the host command in Linux. In fact, host performs DNS lookups, converting domain names to IP addresses and vice versa. When no arguments or options are given, host prints a summary of its command line arguments and options.