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Turn-on Dark Mode in Mozilla Firefox - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how you can enable dark mode in Mozilla Firefox web browsers. 

Mozilla recently added support for dark mode. You can activate it in four easy steps.

Let me show you how.

But you can enable dark mode in Firefox today, on any operating system, and without installing any third-party themes. This works on Windows 7, Windows 10, macOS, and Linux.

To Enable dark mode in Mozilla Firefox web browser:

1. In Firefox, go to the the top right corner and open the menu by clicking the hamburger menu.

2. Click on the “Addons” menu entry. You could also use the Ctrl+Shift+A keyboard shortcut. On the “Addons” page you will see a list of the extensions that you have installed or disabled.

3. Now we need to switch to the themes page. You can do that by clicking “Themes” on the left hand of the screen.

4. You will see the “Dark” theme. Click on the “enable” button to immediately activate the dark mode.

Install Ruby on Ubuntu 20.04 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers the method of installing Ruby on a Ubuntu 20.04 system.

Also, if you want to remove this programming language from your Ubuntu 20.04 system, then you can also do this by the method that we mentioned in this guide.

To Update RubyGem Package Manager:

RubyGems is a Ruby Package Manager, coming with the gem command-line tool. It's automatically installed when we install Ruby on the system.

To update the RubyGem to the latest version, run the following command.

$ gem update --system

How To Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu ?

Here, we will install the latest version of Ruby on Rails through the RubyGem package manager.

Install Ruby on Rails using the gem command below:

$ gem install rails

Once all installation is completed, check the Ruby on Rails version:

$ rails --version

To Install and Configure PostgreSQL on Ubuntu System:

1. Install the PostgreSQL database server to the Ubuntu 20.04 using the apt command below:

$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev -y

2. Once all installation is completed, start the PostgreSQL service and add it to the system boot:

$ systemctl start postgresql
$ systemctl enable postgresql

Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how to install MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using either the apt package manager or by downloading and installing through the archive. For more information, visit MongoDB's official documentation.

MongoDB is an open-source and cross-platform document-oriented database system written in C++. It stores data in collections of JSON-like, flexible documents and used to create powerful websites and applications. 

Due to its scalability and high performance, it is used for building modern applications that require powerful, mission-critical and high-availability databases.

To Configure MongoDB on Ubuntu:

MongoDB default configuration file is located at /etc/mongod.conf

By default, each user will have access to all databases and perform any action. 

For production environments, it is recommended to enable the MongoDB authentication.

i. You can do it by editing the file /etc/mongod.conf:

$ nano /etc/mongod.conf

2. Add the following lines:

  authorization: enabled

3. Save and close the file then restart the MongoDB service to apply the changes:

$ systemctl restart mongod

Advantages of MongoDB:

1. Absence of a schema

2. Based on the collections of various documents

3. A clear structure of every object

4. Highly scalable

5. Internal memory is used to store data, which lets us get data faster.

6. Data is stored as JSON objects.

7. MongoDB supports document-based queries

Install Docker CE on CentOS 8 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how to perform Docker installation and Configuration. Also, you will learn how to install Docker CE on the CentOS 8 system. Docker container technology allows you to run applications in a specific and isolated environment.

Docker Community Edition (CE) is the new name for the free Docker product.

To Install Docker CE on Linux:
1. Remove all existing docker applications (that might currently be installed) in order to make sure we are using a clean installation.:

# yum remove docker docker-client docker-client-latest docker-common docker-latest docker-latest-logrotate docker-logrotate docker-engine

2. Add an external repository that will help us obtain the Docker software:

# dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo

3. Check what versions of docker we have in the repository:

# dnf list docker-ce

4. Install the version that best matches our CentOS server version:

# dnf install docker-ce --nobest

5. We can double-check if the installation was successful by using the version command:

# docker -v

Install Postfix on Ubuntu 20.04 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers the installation of Postfix on the Ubuntu 20.04 system. Also, We perform the configuration to send and receive the emails in an accurate manner.
Postfix was originally designed as a replacement for Sendmail – the traditional SMTP server on Unix. In comparison, Postfix is more secure and easier to configure.
It is compatible with Sendmail, so if you uninstall Sendmail and replace it with Postfix, your existing scripts and programs will continue to work seamlessly.

To install Postfix on Ubuntu:
Postfix is included in Ubuntu's default repositories, so you can install it with APT.
1. To begin, update your local apt package cache:

$ sudo apt update

2. Then install the postfix package with the following command. Note that here we pass the DEBIAN_PRIORITY=low environmental variable into this installation command. This will cause the installation process to prompt you to configure some additional options:

$ sudo DEBIAN_PRIORITY=low apt install postfix

Note: If you need to ever return to change Postfix settings, you can do so by running:

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix

Install Signal Messaging App on Ubuntu 20.04 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers the different methods for installing the Signal messaging app on Ubuntu 20.04 desktop. Now you can use the Signal app on both your Smartphone and desktop system at the same time.
Signal is an popular messaging application as an alternative of WhatsApp.

It is available as Desktop application for Windows, Linux and macOS systems.

To Install Signal Desktop on Ubuntu:

Signal application is available as snap package for the Linux systems. The Ubuntu 20.04 systems have default Snapd install and recommended for packages installation.
* Open a terminal as sudo user and type:

# sudo snap install signal-desktop 

This will install Signal desktop application on your Ubuntu system.