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Plesk error "Local Docker node is missing" - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to resolve the Plesk error, "Local Docker node is missing". Generally, you will encounter this error while processing docker-engine. 

AWS RDS MySQL Error 1227 - Fix it Now ?

This article covers how to fix AWS RDS MySQL Error 1227 for our customers. In order to fix this issue, you’ll need to leverage DB parameter groups. To modify parameter values in a customer-created DB parameter group, you can’t change the parameter values in a default DB parameter group. Changes to parameters in a customer-created DB parameter group are applied to all DB instances that are associated with the DB parameter group.

To modify a DB parameter group, use the AWS CLI modify-db-parameter-group command with the following required parameters:


Google Cloud Error code 4003 - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to resolve the Google Cloud Error code 4003 for our customers. This issue can cause the start-up connectivity test to the VM instance to fail.

Therefore, Ensure that the listening process on the VM is running and listening on the correct port. Also, verify that your Google Cloud firewall is configured correctly and open on the port you're connecting to.

AWS ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to tackle AWS "ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server" for our customers.

You can easily fix this issue by adding the public ip address of my EC2 server to the DB security group default policy.

You can create a new security group with the corresponding IP range/subnet of your EC2 instances(s). You can use the exact IP(s), or use your VPC's subnet(s) as the range.

Once created, you can right click your RDS instance in the management console and select 'Modify'. From there, you can change the associated security groups.

Openvz "Failed to mount image" - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to tackle Openvz "Failed to mount image" error for our customers. 

To fix this error after the hardware reboot,

# ploop check -F /vz/private/139/root.hdd/root.hdd
# ploop mount /vz/private/139/root.hdd/DiskDescriptor.xml
# fdisk -l /dev/ploop56824
# e2fsck /dev/ploop56824p1
# vzctl start 139

SolusVM error Unable to find ostemplate - Best Fixes ?

This article covers methods to resolve SolusVM errors for our customers. 

To fix Unable to find ostemplate error:

Simply Re-install OS

$ vzctl reinstall <CTID> --ostemplate <template_name>

where <CTID> should be replaced with actual VPS CT ID and <template_name> should be replaced with the template name without ".tar.gz" part.