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This article covers different methods to resolve PiP is not recognized as an internal or external command.
Basically, the error, "PiP is not recognized as an internal or external command" happens when we try to install Python packages via a Command Prompt window.
PiP is a recursive acronym for "Pip Installs Packages".
It's essentially a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. Most users make use of PiP to install and manage Python packages found in the Python Package Index.
To add PIP to the PATH environment variable using the Windows GUI:
1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Then, type "sysdm.cpl" and press Enter to open up the System Properties screen.
2. Inside the System Properties screen, go to the Advanced tab, then click on Environment Variables.
3. In the Environment Variables screen, go to System variables and click on Path to select it. Then with the Path selected, click the Edit… button.
4. In the Edit environment variable screen, click on New and add the path where the PiP installation is located. For Python 3.4, the default location is C:\Python34\Scripts.
5. Once the path is added, open a fresh CMD window and try to install a python package that comes with PiP.
You should no longer see the "pip is not recognized as an internal or external command" error.
This article covers how to Fix WordPress Add Media Button Not Working.
The main reason behind this error is usually custom scripts not working correctly, plugins, or themes.
You can pinpoint the cause of your woes using your browser's Inspect -> Console.
The console tool highlights script errors that can help you to identify where the problem lies.
To fix this WordPress error:
1. That aside, start by deactivating all of your plugins.
2. Then check if the Add Media button is working.
3. If the button is working, then it is obvious one of your plugin is causing the script conflict.
4. Next, reactivate the plugins one by one, and check the Add Media button after each activation.
5. When you find the responsible plugin, contact the developer for help or find a replacement.
6. If the problem persists after deactivating all plugins, you need to ensure you've cleared your caches first and then test if your theme is the cause of the WordPress Add Media button not working.
7. Just activate a default WordPress theme such as Twenty Seventeen and then check if the problem is gone.
If the button works, the issue here is your theme.
This article covers how to resolve Undefined index notice in Joomla. A notice, in PHP terms (PHP is the scripting language that powers Joomla), is more or less a complaint. For example, if you're using a deprecated function such as ereg_replace (by the way, we have had quite a few sites with the ereg_replace() is deprecated notice that we needed to fix) then PHP will complain with a notice.
A notice may also be displayed if you're trying to use questionable casting that PHP thinks will not return the result that you want (for example, if you try to forcefully cast an array into a string).
To fix this Joomla warning:
Change PHP's error reporting in the .htaccess file to hide all errors.
You can do that by adding the following code to your .htaccess file:
php_flag display_startup_errors on
php_flag display_errors on
php_flag html_errors on
The above code will ensure that no error whatsoever will be displayed on your website.
Note that if you have an Error Reporting setting in your configuration settings other than "Default", then this setting will override the error reporting defined in your .htaccess.
For example, if your Error Reporting is set to "Maximum", then the above code in your .htaccess file has no effect.
This article covers different methods to fix the Outlook error 'We Couldn't Create The Outlook Data File'.
Main Causes of 'We couldn't create Outlook Data File' error:
This error is fairly well known among Outlook users, so people have found possible causes that led to this error happening.
1. Gmail account: The error seems to only occur when you’re trying to add a Gmail account to Outlook. The exact cause of this is unknown, however, it might have something to do with Gmail’s security options.
2. Outlook bug: A common cause of this issue is a bug within Outlook itself. The bug prevents you from adding an email account via the Add account option.
3. Simplified Account Creation Wizard: This is a relatively new Outlook feature. Generally, whenever a new feature is added to an application, it's bound to cause errors and bugs.
How to Remove Outlook Write Protection from a Hard Disk ?
One of the easiest ways of removing write protection from a disk is by using the Diskpart utility:
1. Hold the Windows and R keys down on your keyboard at the same time.
2. Type in diskpart and press OK.
3. Type in the following command and press Enter after each one:
i. list disk
ii. select disk (number)
iii. For example, if your Drive 1 is protected, you're going to type in select disk 1.
attributes disk clear read-only
4. Once the Diskpart utility finished clearing the Read-only protection, you can type in exit and hit Enter to close the command prompt.
This article covers WordPress error "This site ahead contains harmful programs".
Basically, the error, This site ahead contains harmful programs happens when Google finds any suspicious code.
It's risky for Google users to visit hacked websites because they could become targets of the hacker:
1. Hackers could steal their data or redirect them to phishing sites.
2. Hackers could trick them into downloading malware onto their devices.
3. Visitors may be subjected to viewing inappropriate malicious content and ads.
Search engines like Google constantly crawl the web for new sites and new content to index.
They use bots and algorithms to check a website's content is original and relevant.
They can also check which websites are using deceitful tactics such as keyword stuffing.
During this process, they can also detect if there's malicious code on your website.
If they do, they proceed to:
1. Blacklist your website immediately.
2. Display "Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs" or "This site contains malware" warnings to visitors.
3. Depending on the risk posed by your site, it gives users an option to bypass their security warning and proceed to your site by clicking on 'details'.
Or they can choose to leave the site and go 'back to safety'.
This article covers methods to fix DISM Error 0x800f0906. Basically, the failure of the DISM command-line utility will lead us to the DISM Error 0x800f0906.
The DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) command-line utility is an incredibly nifty little tool that can be used to service and repair a Windows installation.
The DISM.exe command failing can be a pretty significant issue, especially if this happens when you desperately need the utility to work its magic.
When the DISM command-line tool fails with error code 0x800f0906, the accompanying error message either states that the source files could not be downloaded or that the files required to repair the store could not be found.
To resolve DISM Error 0x800f0906:
Uninstall the KB3022345 Update
1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start menu, and either click Control Panel, or type in Control Panel and open the result, depending on which version of Windows you’re using.
2. Switch to Icons view, in the top right corner of Control Panel, and open Programs and Features from the list.
3. On the left side, click on the View installed updates
4. You will see a search box in the top right corner, type KB3022345 to find the update with less effort.
5. When you've found it, right-click it, and choose
6. Once everything is done, reboot your device.