
Steps to uninstall sql tools on RedHat Linux Server

Are you having issues with uninstalling SQL Tools on RedHat? We are available to help you today.

As part of our Server Management Services here at Ibmi Media, we regularly help customers in fixing SQL related queries.

In this context we shall look into how to uninstall SQL tools on RedHat.

What you need to know about SQL tools?

To make tasks efficient in Microsoft SQL Server developer, a development tool pack known as SQL Tools is used.

This helps to enhance productivity and reducing expenses while performing routine tasks by automating database development.

Now let us see how to perform uninstallation of SQL tools (sqlcmd and BCP utilities).

How to perform SQL tools uninstallation on RedHat?

Uninstallation of SQL tools such as sqlcmd and BCP utilities requires that SQL tools package known as mssql-tools on RedHat is uninstalled.
Follow the steps below to uninstall these SQL tools.

1. To begin, make a connection to the RHEL server where SQL tools is installed. For this, run the command below to check whether SQL tools are installed on the machine or not;


If the sqlcmd utility is recognized then it signifies that SQL tools is available on the machine.

2. Next, run the following command to uninstall SQL tools;

sudo yum remove mssql-tools -y

3. Now you can re-run the command below to check if the uninstallation was successful or not;


You will get an output which shows that;

No such file or directory

Now you can see that the uninstallation process was successful.

Need support in solving SQL issues? We are ready to help you today.


This article will help you through the process of performing uninstalling SQL tools on RedHat Server.