PowerTools is a special repository available for Red Hat and Red Hat derivatives such as CentOS, Oracle Linux, Rocky and AlmaLinux. It makes it possible to download and install developer-related tools, libraries, packages and dependencies. PowerTools is a prerequisite when installing some software packages provided by EPEL and other packages that other packages that need to be installed from source.
Here at Ibmi Media, we shall look into how to install the PowerTools repository.
1. Enable PowerTools repository
Start by launching your terminal and install the core DNF plugins:
$ sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
2. Enable EPEL repository
Here, we will install EPEL. EPEL, an acronym for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux, is a repository that provides a set of high quality packages from Fedora Project which are not included, by default, on Red Hat and Red Hat distros such as Rocky and AlmaLinux.
To install EPEL run the command:
$ sudo dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
You can confirm that EPEL is installed by running the command:
$ rpm -qi
The command provides intricate details such as the name, version release, and architecture of EPEL.
3. Enable PowerTools repository
Finally, enable the PowerTools repository. To achieve this m use the config-manager program:
$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
To verify that PowerTools has been enabled, check the list of enabled repositories:
$ sudo dnf repolist
From the output, you will see that PowerTools is included in the list of enabled repositories alongside EPEL. A better way to narrow down the output is to run the command:
$ sudo dnf repolist | grep -i powertools
This article covers how to enable PowerTools repository on Rocky Linux and any other Red Hat Linux systems. In fact, The PowerTools repository is a container that contains many packages, libraries, and developer tools for either creating from source or installing applications. Most repositories rely on the PowerTools to be enabled, including the most popular Extra packages for the Enterprise Linux repository.
How to Install EPEL Repositories on Rocky Linux 8 ?
You need to enable EPEL since while installing a package being provided by the PowerTools repos, there might be some dependencies required and provided by the EPEL:
$ dnf install epel-release