
Category: Server Management Service

Drupal notice unserialize() error at offset - Fix it Now ?

This article covers method to fix 'drupal notice unserialize() error at offset'. Basically, this error happens when loading an improperly serialized array from the variables table. 

'Error InvalidArgumentException wrong file' in Magento 2 - fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to resolve 'Error InvalidArgumentException wrong file' in Magento 2 for our customers. 

You can resolve this error by applying the following changes in your php.ini file.

In your php.ini file increase values of below parameters:

max_execution_time = 18000
max_input_time = 1800
memory_limit = 1024M

Note : Make sure you increase max_input_time value to at least 1800 and it will works.

Setup Rate Limit for IP Addresses in DigitalOcean Account

This article covers how to set up rate limit for IP Addresses in DigitalOcean for our customers. 

Basically, limit standard ssh like this:

$ sudo ufw limit ssh/tcp


$ sudo ufw limit 22/tcp

Both will limit port 22.

The /tcp allows only a tcp connection to allow only udp you simply add /udp and to allow it on both you simply leave off the /* example: ufw limit ssh.

"Couldn't get handle" failure SFTP error - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to fix the "Couldn't get handle" failure SFTP error for our customers. The problem is with upload permissions to the remote directory. Check that you have appropriate write permissions for the remote directory.

Magento 'connect error: unsupported resource type' error - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to resolve magento 'connect error: unsupported resource type' error. 

Prestashop error err_too_many_redirects - Fix it Now ?

This article covers methods to tackle 'err_too_many_redirects' Prestashop error which generally affects certain pages in Prestashop admin panel. The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in your Chrome browser indicates that the page you're attempting to visit is caught in a "redirect loop". The phrase "redirect loop" simply means that the site you're visiting can't stop trying to send your browser to a different location.