
Category: Server Management Service

DirectAdmin Email page failed to load - Fix it Now

This article covers how to fix the issue regarding the email page not loading in the DirectAdmin panel.

To fix this DirectAdmin error:

1. Edit DirectAdmin.conf

$ vi /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf

2. Add below line into the file to enable disk usage cache:


3. Edit /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron

$ vi /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron

and add below line

*/15 * * * * root echo "action=cache&type=popquota" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

4. Restart crond service

$ service crond restart

Nagios Network Analyzer - My New Source Wont Start - Best Fix

This article covers method to resolve Source Not Starting in Nagios for our customers. Generally, it happens when you added a new source, but it did not automatically start.

When creating a new Source in Network Analyzer it creates the directory structure - the folders where it will store flow data, the RRD data file, and the processes pid file. It also starts the Source (nfcapd or sfcapd) automatically once it's finished creating the new directories. Here's a couple reasons why it may not be starting.

This problem can be resolved by installing the rrdtool-python module the following command:

$ yum install -y rrdtool-python

Once installed restart the nagiosna service:

$ systemctl restart nagiosna

The Source should now start

Unable to find the User entry – Fix Apache Web Agent Installation Error

This article covers how to fix Unable to find the User entry Apache Web Agent Installation Error.

This arror happens when we fail to set the user and group in the Apache httpd.conf file. Also, You will see "Unable to find the "User" entry in the httpd.conf file, will try APACHE_RUN_USER environment variable" and/or "Unable to find the "Group" entry in the httpd.conf file, will try APACHE_RUN_GROUP environment variable" errors.

To resolve this Apache error:
1. Check whether the user and group are set; you can do this via the httpd.conf file or equivalent file (such as envvars). For example:
a. Review the httpd.conf file and check whether the user and group are set. By default, they are set to apache, for example:

$ cat httpd.conf | grep 'User\|Group'
User apache
Group apache

If they are not set, you should set them; you can set them to apache or nobody.
b. Review the envvars file to ensure the user and group are set in the APACHE_RUN_USER and APACHE_RUN_GROUP environment variables. For example:

$ cat envvars | grep 'APACHE_RUN_USER\|APACHE_RUN_GROUP'
export APACHE_RUN_USER=apache
export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=apacheIf they are not set, you should set them; you can set them to apache or nobody.

2.     Review the passwd and group files to check whether the user and group match what is set in your httpd.conf file or equivalent. For example:

$ cat /etc/passwd | grep apache
$ cat /etc/group | grep apache

If they are not set, you should set them to match what is in the httpd.conf file or equivalent.

Nagios Failed to Parse Date Error - Fix it now

This article covers Nagios Failed to Parse Date Error.

Basically, the logs coming in on the same input need to use the same formatting.
To fix this Nagios error,  make sure that all devices use the same date format or configure another input for these devices.
For example:

syslog {
    port => xxxx
    type => 'alternative-syslog'
    tags => 'alternative Linux-Max'

Attributes do not match - Fix this SQL Server Installation Error

This article covers how to resolve the error, SQL Attributes do not match. Basically, the error, Attributes do not match occurs during SQL Server installation or during SQL Server patching activity.
Once you get this issue, you can check all drives available on your database server whether they are compressed or not. If any drive is compressed and SQL Server is using that drive during installation then that might be the reason for getting issue Attributes do not match.
You need to uncompress all such drives and then start the installation.

To uncompress the drive we need to launch property window of that drive:
1. We just need to right click on the identified drive and choose Properties to see the status of compression.
2. You can see compress this drive to save disk space option is ticked.
3. Uncheck this option and click on OK button to apply the change.
4. Once you validated all drives that none of the drives are compressed then you can start SQL Server installation and this time SQL Server installation will be successful.

When installing SQL server and running into an error "Attributes do not match.
Present attributes (Directory, Compressed) , included attributes (0), excluded attributes (Compressed, Encrypted)".
This is because you are trying to install SQL into a folder that is compressed which is not supported.
To fix this;
1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL server folder
2. Right click on properties on SQL Server folder.  
3. Under advanced option in general tab, look for compress contents to save disk space, uncheck it.
4. Also, uncheck "encrypt contents to secure data"
5. Re-run the SQL install

Nagios No lock file found - Fix this error now

This article covers different methods to resolve the error, Nagios: No lock file found.  Basically, "No lock file found in /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.lock" means that the service isn't running.

To fix this Nagios error:
Execute the command:

$ /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

Running the command above simply starts the nagios daemon and points it to a specific config file.
The advantage to running this command manually over systemd is that when you run "service nagios start" this typically calls the /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios script which contains a line with parametrized environment variables:

$NagiosBin -d $NagiosCfgFile

Because every system is different, not specifying either the bin nor config directories could lead to nagios breaking (stopping) when it tries to start using the default installation directory paths