
Category: Application Development

Working with Database Configuration in Laravel

This article will guide you on steps to set up #development and testing databases for Laravel by using database migrations and #seeders. Database migration means moving your data from one platform to another. To run #laravel migrations, first you have to configure your #database connection, and then you use Artisan, Laravel's #command line interface, to install the migrations table and run, revert, create. This command causes #Artisan to create a special table in your database to keep track of what #migrations have already been executed.

Adding Multi Language Translation Feature in Ionic Application using ngx-translate

This article will guide you on the steps to add a #multi-language translation feature in #Ionic Application using #NGX-translate. This is possible by first creating an ionic app. Next, installing the Language Translation library. Then adding the language files for each language. After that, we create #languageConfig service to have translation-related methods in one place. Finally, we use translation pipes to translate text into HTML pages.

Implementing Post and Get data with Native HTTP Plugin

This article will guide you on the steps to implement post and get data with the Native HTTP plugin.

How to perform printing in Ionic applications based on Angular using Ionic

This article will guide you on the steps to use printing in Ionic apps based on Angular using Ionic Native and Cordova.