

Key guidelines in developing a perfect software

This article covers a few important guidelines to create perfect #software. However, these guidelines are not the end. We may develop software easily, but developing perfect software requires value-added guidelines.

How to Develop Software:

1. Determine which basic type of software development interests you. There are two basic TYPE camps of software development: Applications Development and Systems Development.

2. Teach yourself a programming language. Anyone can come up with ideas, but a developer will be able to turn those ideas into something tangible. 

Even if you only want to work on the design aspects of software, you should have some familiarity with coding and be able to create basic prototypes. 

3. Find resources to help you learn. Most bookstores have entire sections dedicated to programming books, and there are tons available on Amazon and other e-tailers. A well-written programming book will likely be the best resource you can have, and will allow you to quickly reference it while working on projects.

4. Take some classes. While you don't need a full-on degree in order to get into software development, it can't hurt to take a few classes at your local community college or learning center. This will give you the benefit of one-on-one instruction, and you will be challenged to solve problems that you likely wouldn't if you were learning on your own.

5. Work on pet projects. Before you start trying to apply your new programming skills to real-world jobs, work on some projects for yourself. Challenge yourself to solve problems using your programming language.

6. Ask questions. The internet is a fantastic way to connect with other developers. If you find yourself stumped on one of your projects, ask for help on sites such as StackOverflow.

7. Practice every day. Work on your pet projects every day, even if only for an hour. This will help you stay fresh and constantly learn new techniques. Many developers have had success learning a language by ensuring that they are exposed to it on a daily basis.

Authentication In Vue Using Vuex

This article covers how to perform Authentication In Vue Using Vuex. 

Using Vuex allows us to store and manage authentication state and proceed to check state in our application using only a few lines of code.

To Set up the application modules:

For this project, we want to create a vue application that has vuex and vue-router. 

i. We will use the vue cli 3.0 to create a new vue project and select router and vuex from the options.

Run the following command to set it up:

$ vue create vue-auth

ii. Follow the dialogue that shows up, add the necessary information and select the options we need and complete the installation.

iii. Next, install axios:

$ npm install axios --save

Advantages of SAN over NAS

This article covers more insight about the advantages of SAN over NAS.

A storage area network (#SAN) is a dedicated, independent high-speed network that interconnects and delivers shared pools of storage devices to multiple servers. Each server can access shared storage as if it were a drive directly attached to the server.

Network Attached Storage (#NAS) is a device that allows users to access files through a network. It allows users to access and share files from their individual stations through a central server. NFS (Network File System) is a protocol that is used to serve and share files on a network.

Some advantages of a SAN:

1. Reduces LAN bandwidth problems. A key benefit of SANs is bandwidth improvement. 2. Improved data security. Data security is paramount for every business.

3. Responsive backup.

4. Increased scalability.

5. Reliable disaster recovery.

What is the purpose of a SAN?

SANs are primarily used to access data storage devices, such as disk arrays and tape libraries from servers so that the devices appear to the operating system as direct-attached storage. 

A SAN typically is a dedicated network of storage devices not accessible through the local area network (LAN).

Difference between BACPAC and DACPAC - More insight

This article covers more information about BACPAC and DACPAC and the difference between BACPAC and DACPAC.
A BACPAC file is a ZIP file with an extension of BACPAC containing the metadata and data from the #database. A BACPAC file can be stored in Azure Blob storage or in local storage in an on-premises location and later imported back into Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, or a SQL Server instance.
DACPAC = Data Tier AppliCation Package. DACPAC is a single file which contains database model i.e. all files represent database objects. It's a binary representation of database project compatible with SSDT. The name comes from an extension of these files.
Once you extract the contents of the #DACPAC file, you'll see there are four different XML files within it.
These XML files do not contain any data from the database.
The database is scripted out only with the model information.

To import from a #BACPAC file into a new single database using the Azure portal:
1. Open the appropriate server page and then, on the toolbar, select Import database.
2. Select the storage account and the container for the BACPAC file and then select the BACPAC file from which to import.

Data tier controls the servers where the information is stored;
1. It runs a relational database management system on a database server or a mainframe and contains the computer data storage logic.
2. The data tier keeps data independent from application servers or processing logic and improves scalability and performance.

To import a .BAK file into #SQL Server:
1. Open #SSMS and click on Connect.
2. First let us go with Bak File importing.
3. Check the Device Button and Click on it.
4. Click on Add Button, choose the Appropriate bak file and then click on Ok.

MongoDB error network is unreachable - Fix it now

This article covers methods to resolve the error 'MongoDB error network is unreachable' which can occur due to many reasons that include network issues, if the mongo server is not started, and so on.

To resolve this #MongoDB #error:
1. On Ubuntu server, to open mongo shell run:

$ mongo

2. Inside mongo shell, type following command to create new a admin user.

> use admin;
> db.createUser({user:"admin", pwd:"password", roles:[{ role: "root", db: "admin" }]});

3. By default mongodb is configured to allow connections only from localhost(IP
We need to allow remote connections from any ip address. The following change should only be done in your development server. Open up etc/mongod.conf file and do the following change.

# network interfaces
port: 27017
bindIp:   #default value is

Also in the same mongod.conf file uncomment security option and add authorization option as shown below:

authorization: enabled    

4. Save and exit the mongod.conf file and restart mongodb server:

$ sudo servcie mongod restart

MongoDB error topology was destroyed - Fix it now

This article covers method to fix the error 'MongoDB error topology was destroyed' which happens due to many reasons that include interruption of the node server’s connection to the MongoDB instance while it was trying to write to it. If the mongo driver drops the connection for any reason.
Another reason could be mongoose disconnecting before the creation of mongo document indexes.
You might try updating mongo.
There's also a mongo config setting that can easily in the database using too much memory and being killed by the kernel.