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This article will guide you on different ways to tackle Your #WordPress Site #error when you Are Locked Out of WordPress #Admin #Dashboard.
A common reason that can lock you out of the WordPress admin area is error establishing the #database connection. Usually, this error occurs when your database is corrupted, unresponsive or your web #hosting service provider has issues with its servers. Sometimes, this error can last for hours and spoil your user experience badly.
This article will guide you on steps to resolve #WordPress #memory exhausted #error by simply increasing #PHP memory limit.
The memory exhausted errors only occur when your web host allocated lower amounts of memory for each website.
To increase the PHP memory limit, you need to manually set a new memory limit for your server. This involves editing the wp-config.php file located in the server.
This article will guide you on different methods to fix #DirectAdmin #skin or #interface issues.
To fix DirectAdmin Skin or Interface Issues:
What if the DirectAdmin skin is corrupted? How to fix DirectAdmin Skin or Interface Issues? Here are some steps you can try.
1. Reinstall skin.
cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/
2. Recompile PHP using the following commands.
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build clean
./build php d
These steps will fix almost every issues with DirectAdmin skin.
This article will guide you on methods to fix the Plesk error : new files of configuration for Apache.
The causes of this Plesk error:
1. Mailman package is not installed.
2. Database related error.
3. PHP memory issue.
To fix this Plesk issue:
Mailman package is not installed
When you try to reconfigure the domain, you will get the following error.
# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all
No valid mailman bindir detected
So, in this case it is clear that the issue is causing because the mailman package is missing.
To fix the issue, you can follow the steps mentioned below.
a) Download and install the mailman package from
b) After that remove all entries from the ‘Configurations’ table of the ‘psa’ database.
mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa -e"delete from Configurations"
c) Remove all ‘Include’ records from configuration files and all content from the directory below:
# sed -i /Include/d /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/ip_vhosts_bootstrap.conf&& sed -i /Include/d /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/vhosts_bootstrap.conf&& sed -i /include/d /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/nginx_vhosts_bootstrap.conf&& sed -i /Include/d /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/webmail_horde_bootstrap.conf&& sed -i /Include/d /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/webmail_atmail_bootstrap.conf&& sed -i /Include/d /etc/httpd/conf.d/zz010_psa_httpd.conf&& rm -f /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/generated/*
d) Now you can reconfigure and that will fix the issues.
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all
This will resolve the error.
This article will guide you on how to easily fix 'An #error has occurred' error message appears in #DNN #Pages which occurs when there is a null entry in the #database table. We also looked into the steps for adding the temporary URL.
When trying to add a file attachment to the #DotNetNuke forum module, we received an error that looked like this:
An Error Has Occurred When Attempting To Save The File C:\webroot\site\\wwwroot\Portals\0\imge.jpg. Please Contact Your Hosting Provider To Ensure The Appropriate Security Settings Have Been Enabled On The Server.
If you have a superuser account (common username is HOST) you can login and go to the Host menu, and see if you have an EXTENSIONS page listed, from that page you can see what version of DNN you are on. you can also try the HOST/HOST SETTINGS page.
This article will guide you on how to resolve #timeout #error in #webmail in #DirectAdmin. Generally, webmail timeout issue can occur if the timeout value is exceeded.
The term timeout or time-out has several meanings, including: A network parameter related to an enforced event designed to occur at the conclusion of a predetermined elapsed time.
To fix Webmail timeout error in DirectAdmin:
Modify the config file "/var/www/html/webmail/inc/config.php" or in /var/www/html/webmail/inc/
and set
# Session timeout for inactivity
$idle_timeout = 10; //minutes
to whatever value you need.