

Process to Configure DKIM on Exchange Server 2010 2013

This article will guide you on the steps to #Configure #DKIM on #Exchange #Server 2013. DKIM is an #email security standard to make sure messages aren’t altered in transit between the sending and recipient servers. 

Deploy Zimbra Collaboration using docker

This article will guide you on the steps to run #Zimbra on #Docker #Container. Docker enables apps to quickly assemble from components.

Azure CLI create CDN

This article will guide you on the steps to create Azure CLI CDN.

What is #Azure #CDN?

Azure Content Delivery #Network (CDN) lets you reduce load times, save #bandwidth and speed responsiveness—whether you are developing or managing #websites or mobile #apps or encoding and distributing #streaming #media, gaming #software, firmware updates or IoT endpoints.

Azure CDN from #Microsoft provides Azure customers the ability to deliver content from Microsoft's own global CDN network.

Install and Secure phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu

This article will guide you on the process to #install #PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu. PHPMyAdmin allows users to interact with #MySQL through a web interface and makes MySQL #database #management easier.

QUIC flood DDoS attack

This article will guide you on how to prevent your #Servers from #QUIC #DDOS #Attacks which is capable of overwhelming a targeted server with unwanted #UDP packets. QUIC uses UDP, but a QUIC flood is not necessarily the same as a UDP flood.

Manage php ini directives with PHP FPM

This article will guide you on how to manage PHP-FPM for a busy site and want to be able to handle lots of #requests.