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Install Skype on Ubuntu 20.04 - Step by Step process to perform it ?

This article covers the different methods to install Skype on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS including both the GUI and the command line. 

To install the Skype snap, open your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run the following command:

$ sudo snap install skype --classic

That's it. You have installed Skype on your Ubuntu machine, and you can start using it.

How to install Skype with apt on Ubuntu ?

Skype is available from the official Microsoft Apt repositories. To install it, follow the steps below:

1. Open your terminal and download the latest Skype .deb package using the following wget command:

$ wget https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.deb

2. Once the download is complete, install Skype by running the following command as a user with sudo privileges :

$ sudo apt install ./skypeforlinux-64.deb

You will be prompted to enter your password.

3. When a new version is released, you can update the Skype package through your desktop standard Software Update tool or by running the following commands in your terminal:

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt upgrade

Install Apache Web Server on CentOS 8 - Step by Step process to do it ?

This article covers how to install Apache web server on CentOS 8 distribution. With Apache we server, you can host web pages over the network. Apache is available within CentOS's default software repositories, which means you can install it with the dnf package manager.

To install Apache on CentOS:

1. Execute the command below to install the Apache package:

$ sudo dnf install httpd

After confirming the installation, dnf will install Apache and all required dependencies.

2. If you also plan to configure Apache to serve content over HTTPS, you will also want to open up port 443 by enabling the https service:

$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https

3. Next, reload the firewall to put these new rules into effect:

$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

After the firewall reloads, you are ready to start the service and check the web server.

To check your Apache Web Server:

1. Apache does not automatically start on CentOS once the installation completes, so you will need to start the Apache process manually:

$ sudo systemctl start httpd

2. Verify that the service is running with the following command:

$ sudo systemctl status httpd

You will receive an active status when the service is running.

To manage the Apache Process on CentOS:

Now that the service is installed and running, you can now use different systemctl commands to manage the service.

1. To stop your web server, type:

$ sudo systemctl stop httpd

2. To start the web server when it is stopped, type:

$ sudo systemctl start httpd

3. To stop and then start the service again, type:

$ sudo systemctl restart httpd

4. If you are simply making configuration changes, Apache can often reload without dropping connections. To do this, use this command:

$ sudo systemctl reload httpd

5. By default, Apache is configured to start automatically when the server boots. If this is not what you want, disable this behavior by typing:

$ sudo systemctl disable httpd

6. To re-enable the service to start up at boot, type:

$ sudo systemctl enable httpd

Apache will now start automatically when the server boots again.

Install Emacs Editor in Ubuntu 20.04 - How to perform it ?

This article covers methods to install Emacs editor in the Ubuntu 20.04 system. Emacs is a text editor designed for POSIX operating systems and available on Linux, BSD, macOS, Windows, and so on.

Emacs is an open-source, cross-platform editor that is highly customizable and provides a user-friendly interface to its users. 

It Provide features like multiple editing modes, full Unicode support for scripts, text manipulation tools, and integration with numerous external tools like the shell and git clearly gives an indication of how powerful it is.

To Install Emacs on Linux:

You can check if your Linux system has emacs installed by simply running the following command:

$ emacs

If you get an error message such as "-bash: -bash:: command not found", then you need to install it.

To install the emacs packages, run the command:

$ yum install emacs

On Ubuntu, execute:

$ apt-get install emacs

To install Emacs using Snap on Ubuntu:

Execute the following command in the command line:

$ sudo snap install emacs --classic

Once this is done, you can find Emacs in your list of installed applications.

Install Pepper Flash on Ubuntu 20.04 - How to do it ?

This article covers how to install the Pepper Flash plugin for the Mozilla Firefox browser on Ubuntu 20.04. After the successful installation of this plugin, we can easily use it for enjoying feature-rich content while browsing. 

We have also shared with you the method of removing this plugin from your system whenever you feel like it at the end of this guide.

How can I install Pepper Flash Player on Ubuntu? 

How can I setup Flash Player for Chromium web browser on Ubuntu?  

Pepper Flash Player is maintained by Google and is newer than Adobe Flash Player. 

Pepper Flash Player can be used with Chromium web browser.

The Pepper Flash Player is available on the Canonical Partners Repository. 

This repository is disabled by default on Ubuntu . 

1. Enable it by running the command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"

2. Then, Update your package list after enabling the repository

$ sudo apt update

3. You can then install Pepper Flash Player in your Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop.

$ sudo apt -y install pepperflashplugin-nonfree

4. To update Pepperflash, use:

$ sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install

5. After the installation of Pepper Flash Player on Ubuntu, make sure Flash is allowed to run in:


Install Mozilla Firefox on Ubuntu 20.04 - How to do it ?

This article covers how to install the Mozilla Firefox browser on the Ubuntu system. Mozilla Firefox is the official Internet browser for Ubuntu, therefore, most Ubuntu distros have it installed by default.

If your system lacks this browser due to any reason or if you have accidentally deleted it, we will tell you how to install it on your Ubuntu.

To update Firefox on Linux:

1. Click the menu button , click. Help and select About Firefox. On the menu bar click the Firefox menu and select About Firefox.

2. The About Mozilla Firefox Firefox window opens. Firefox will check for updates and download them automatically.

3. When the download is complete, click Restart to update Firefox.

To Delete Firefox and all it's data from Ubuntu:

1. run sudo apt-get purge firefox.

2. Delete /etc/firefox/ , this is where your preferences and user-profiles are stored.

3. Delete /usr/lib/firefox/ should it still be there.

4. Delete /usr/lib/firefox-addons/ should it still be there.

Install UrBackup Server and Client on Ubuntu 20.04 - How to do it ?

This article covers how to install and setup the UrBackup server on Ubuntu 20.04. Here, you will also learn how we can add a Linux host to be backed up. 

The main reason for data backup is to save important files if a system crash or hard drive failure occurs, you will lose your data. 

Therefore, a backup solution is much important for any data critical organization.

UrBackup is a free and powerful network backup solution for personal and enterprise. It has almost all features you need from a backup software. UrBackup supports Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

Benefits of having UrBackup Server on your network are:

1. Centralized backup management

2. Supports multiple clients

3. Supports multiple simultaneous backups

4. Easy to restore

To Install client on Debian or Ubuntu:

1. Install the dependencies UrBackup needs: WxWidgets >= 2.9.0 On Debian/Ubuntu you can do that with apt or your favourite package manager:

$ apt install build-essential "g++" libwxgtk3.0-dev "libcrypto++-dev" libz-dev

2. Download the UrBackup client source files and extract them via e.g.

$ wget https://hndl.urbackup.org/Client/2.4.11/urbackup-client-2.4.11.tar.gz

$ tar xzf urbackup-client-2.4.11.tar.gz

3. Build the UrBackup client and install it:

$ cd urbackup-client-2.4.11


make -j4

sudo make install

4. Make sure that the UrBackup client backend runs correctly:

$ sudo urbackupclientbackend -v info

5. Start the UrBackup client backend on startup by adding it e.g. to rc.local:

$ sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local

editor /etc/rc.local

Now add /usr/local/sbin/urbackupclientbackend -d before the exit 0.

6. Start the UrBackup client frontend and setup your paths by executing:

$ urbackupclientgui

and clicking on the tray icon and add paths. You can also do that on the server.

To Install UrBackup Client on Windows:

If you have a fully functioning UrBackup Server on Ubuntu, then you can install UrBackup client on client computers. For example, you can install UrBackup client on Windows 10.

1. Download UrBackup client for Windows 10: https://hndl.urbackup.org/Client/2.4.11/UrBackup%20Client%202.4.11.exe

2. After you install the client software on Windows 10, it will automatically search and connect to the UrBackup server. 

3. You will see the client computer listed on your UrBackup web administration console.

4. There will be an UrBackup icon in your taskbar where you can do several things such as:

i. Change settings

ii. Add/remote backup path

iii. Change component to backup

iv. See the status