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This article will guide you through the processes of Installing VirtualBox, CentOS 8 as a Virtual Machine (VM) on VirtualBox.
This article covers how to enable automatic updates on Ubuntu 20.04. In fact, Regularly updating your server is a crucial aspect to the overall security of your system.
Sysadmins must be concerned about the security of Linux servers. Installing security updates on time fixes vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious individuals to gain access to the system.
How to Enable automatic updates ?
Edit the 20auto-upgrades configuration file as follows:
$ sudo vim /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades
This file has only two lines.
The first line is responsible for updating the package lists, while the second initiates the automated upgrades. The auto-update and auto-upgrade are enabled by the value "1." Set this value to "0" if you wish to disable it.
Manually updating your Linux system is a task that's easy to overlook, especially when you’re always dealing with other issues that arise. Configuring automatic updates provides an easy way to get the security patches and feature updates regularly.
When iNodes space is exhausted , the server performance will be affected and could be frustrating to fix especially when you are sure that you have not used up all your server resources.
Is it difficult to disable weak SSH ciphers in your Linux Machine? We will help you.
Most Microsoft SQL Server users experience an error 233 when they are trying to login to their database.
MariaDB is a very popular Database management system which is open source. It is well know as being stable and in this context , we will analyze how to get it running on your CentOS 7 Linux machine.