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Easiest method of restarting Webmin and Virtualmin

This Tutorial will show you the easiest method of restarting a server based on a Webmin and Virtualmin control panel

How to solve crash in virtual servers when running Xen 4.8 and later versions

Resolving the bug in Xen version 4.8 and later versions in CentOS and Ubuntu Based Linux Distribution by easy to use techniques and modifying the kernel parameters.

Disabling crashkernel on CentOS 7

Crashkernel feature uses up a useful amount of memory which is needed by the system itself. Therefore it is best to disable this feature to save up more memory for the System in general. Here is an easy procedure to Disable crashkernel in CentOS.

Setting up Let's Encrypt SSL for domains hosted on an Apache web server based on CentOS 7

Let's Encrypt has gained popularity because they offer free SSL for millions of websites all over the world. They are a non-profit certificate authority run by Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) that provides X. 509 certificates for Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption free of charge. The certificate is usually valid for 90 days after which is expires pending when it is renewed.

Fix unallocated disk space to extend a disk partition in Ubuntu Debian RHEL and CentOS

Allowing your server disk to use all its disk space will help to improve the functionality and performance of your server in general. It is very common for unallocated disk space to be unused by default.

Easy way to free disk space on CentOS 7

The most effective method of clearing up disk space via the inbuilt resources in CentOS. This Tutorial will show you how to free up space in your CentOS machine Safely and effectively without loosing vital files.