
SolusVM 'No bootable device' error - Fix it Now ?

Sometimes Solusvm users report that they get the error "No bootable device" on the VNC console. This error generally happens when the VPS is created with lesser HDD Space and SWAP size than the initial sizes in the template.

Here at Ibmi Media, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform hosting server related errors.

Causes and fixes for Solusvm 'No bootable device' error

We will see what are the common causes for this error along with their fixes.

Following are the two main causes:

  • VPS was created with lesser HDD Space and SWAP size than the initial sizes in the template.
  • The template filename is an invalid one. Partition # Resize parameter value is wrong.

Now we will see about the causes and the solution to fix them in detail.

1. Lower HDD space and swap size

At times, SolusVM KVM VPS created from a custom template will show the following error VNC console:

No bootable device

2. The custom template has the following initial sized of main partition and SWAP:

# virt-filesystems -a /home/solusvm/kvm/template/linux-centos-7-x86_64-custom-gen2-v1.gz --all --long --uuid -h
Name Type VFS Label MBR Size Parent UUID
/dev/sda1 filesystem ext4 - - 19G - 5792c139-680c-413b-a83b-d6fe2c494886
/dev/sda2 filesystem swap - - 1.5G - dacc56a2-b384-4695-93ed-ba4a1a9f3037
/dev/sda1 partition - - 83 19G /dev/sda -
/dev/sda2 partition - - 82 1.5G /dev/sda -
/dev/sda device - - - 20G -

How to fix Lower HDD space and swap size ?

Following are the steps to fix this error:

i. Firstly, log into the SolusVM Master interface.

ii. And open Virtual Server and remove created VPS.

iii. After that we have to create a new VPS using the following steps:

a) First go to SolusVM and take Virtual Servers

b) From there we take Add Virtual Servers and then KVM with HDD Space bigger than the size of the sum of the main partition and SWAP and SWAP bigger than the default value of the template.  For example, HDD Space should be 22 GB and SWAP – 2000 MB.

2. Invalid template file

At times we may get the “No bootable Device” error in the VNC screen after the VM creation.

Also, we can see the following error in Build Log:

########## LOG START ##########
Built From Template => /home/solusvm/kvm/template/windows-2016-server.gz
Tools => Running tools Logical volume "kvm101_img" successfully removed
Logical volume "kvm101_img" created.
Resize operation completed with no errors. Before deleting the old
disk, carefully check that the resized disk boots and works correctly.

Following is the virt-filesystems output of the custom template.

# virt-filesystems -a /home/solusvm/kvm/template/windows-2016-server.gz --all --long --uuid -h
Name Type VFS Label MBR Size Parent UUID
/dev/sda1 filesystem ntfs System Reserved - 500M - 3C36E57736E53316
/dev/sda2 filesystem ntfs - - 25G - 6484E7B984E78BBC
/dev/sda1 partition - - 07 500M /dev/sda -
/dev/sda2 partition - - 07 25G /dev/sda -
/dev/sda device - - - 25G - -

Note: Primary Partition of the above VM is /dev/sda2

How to fix Invalid template file ?

Template filename plays an important role. SolusVM couldn’t read the template without a proper name.

The steps to follow for fixing invalid template file is given below:

1.  First we have to rename the template in both Master and Slave server using the following command:

# mv /home/solusvm/kvm/template/windows-2016-server.gz /home/solusvm/kvm/template/windows-2016-server-r2-custom-x86_64-gen1-v1.gz

2. After that we have to update the renamed template on the template settings page.

Here the source VM primary partition is 2, So the Partition # Resize value should be 2 for this template.

Note: Partition #resize parameter will vary for each template and it depends upon how the source VM configured.

We have to ensure the new VPS disk size is larger than the Source VPS disk size that is used for creating the custom template.

[Need assistance with fixing hosting server errors? We can help you. ]


This article covers methods to fix SolusVM 'No bootable device' error for our customers.

To fix this error:

  • Log into SolusVM Master interface.
  • Open Virtual Server and remove created VPS.
  • Create a new VPS via SolusVM > Virtual Servers > Add Virtual Servers > KVM with HDD Space bigger than the size of the sum of the main partition and SWAP and SWAP bigger than the default value of the template - from the example above - HDD Space should be 22 GB and SWAP - 2000 MB.