
Category: Server Management Service

Import Nagios Log Server Into Microsoft Hyper-V - How to Do it?

This article covers how to easily Import Nagios Log Server Into Microsoft Hyper-V. Basically, to Import Nagios Log Server Into Microsoft Hyper-V we need to follow a series of steps outlined in this guide. 

cPanel Error Iproute Conflicts With Kernel - Fix it Now ?

This article covers method to fix cPanel Error Iproute Conflicts With Kernel. Basically, this error happens when we have an outdated kernel on the server. 

Instead of deleting conflicting kernels, you can also add the iproute package to the excludes of yum in /etc/yum.conf file, then the iproute package won't be marked for the update.

It can be useful when you need to perform an update but can't reboot the server at the given moment. 

It can be excluded manually using a preferred text editor or using the following command:

$ sed -i 's/exclude=/exclude=iproute /' /etc/yum.conf

The change can be reverted using this command:

$ sed -i 's/exclude=iproute /exclude=/' /etc/yum.conf

Configure SSL / TLS in Nagios Log Server - How to do it ?

This article covers how to configure SSL/TLS in Nagios Log Server. SSL/TLS provides security between the end user's web browser and Nagios Log

Server by encrypting the traffic. This guide is intended for use by Nagios Log Server Administrators who require encrypted connections to their Nagios Log Server.

cPanel error networkmanager is installed and running

This article covers how to resolve the error, NetworkManager is installed and running. Basically, this error happens if cPanel does not support NetworkManager-enabled systems.

To fix this error, simply run the commands below and then restart the installation of cPANEL:

$ systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
$ systemctl disable NetworkManager.service

Managing Instances In Nagios Log Server

This article covers Instances in Nagios Log Server and how we can manage them. 

Nagios Log Server is a clustered application, it consists of one or more instances of Nagios Log Server. An

instance is an installation of Nagios Log Server, it participates in the cluster and acts as a location for the

received log data to reside. The log data is spread across the instances using the Elasticsearch database, a

special database used by Nagios Log Server.

Install Wazuh Server on CentOS 7 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers the installation procedure of Wazuh Server on CentOS Linux System. Basically, Wazuh is a free, open-source and enterprise-ready security monitoring solution for threat detection, integrity monitoring, incident response and compliance. 

You can use Wazuh for the following applications:

  • Security analysis
  • Log analysis
  • Vulnerability detection
  • Container security
  • Cloud security

To Install Java on CentOS 8.

1. Run the command below to install JDK:

$ sudo dnf install java-11-openjdk-devel

2. Confirm that you have it installed

$ java -version