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This article covers how to install GNS3 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS OS. In fact, GNS3 is an incredibly powerful tool that virtualizes real network hardware and helps you to test and verify real-world network deployments. It provides a risk-free virtual environment to design and build a network with your considered size and even with no hardware. GNS3 can be installed on Windows, macOS, and on Linux. It supports Linux distributions (Ubuntu-based distributions 64 bit only) and emulates Linux switches and multiple Linux appliances.
This article covers some best practices to harden Linux systems. In fact, Securing your Linux server(s) is a difficult and time consuming task for System Administrators but its necessary to harden the server’s security to keep it safe from Attackers and Black Hat Hackers. You can secure your server by configuring the system properly and installing as minimum software as possible.
This article covers a step by step procedure on how to install dotnet core on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux system.
This article covers the best procedure of Installing Stacer on Linux Mint 20. In fact, Stacer is an amazing tool for Linux system monitoring and optimizing. It is a multi utility tool with features that allows you to easily manager your Linux system. Once installed successfully, Stacer can easily be used for system monitoring and improving its performance and efficiency.
How to Install Stacer on Linux ?
If you want the latest version of Stacer then open a new Terminal Window and execute the following command line by line:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oguzhaninan/stacer
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install stacer
This will add Stacer PPA in your repository and install the latest version of Stacer on your system.
However, if you want to install the most stable release (tested) of stacer, which can be installed from the official repository of your operating system then open terminal and execute the following command:
$ sudo apt install stacer
This article covers how you can install and use the Trash CLI on a Linux Mint 20 machine. In fact, trash-cli is a command line interface that trashes files and records the original absolute path, deletion date, and associated permissions. It uses the same trashcan used by popular Linux desktop environments such as KDE, GNOME, and XFCE which can be invoked from the command line (and via scripts).
Trash-cli provides these commands:
$ trash-put #trash files and directories.
$ trash-empty #empty the trashcan(s).
$ trash-list #list trashed files.
$ trash-restore #restore a trashed file.
$ trash-rm #remove individual files from the trashcan.
How to Install Trash-cli in Linux ?
The straightforward way of installing trash-cli is by using easy install tool as follows:
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools #Debian/Ubuntu systems
$ sudo yum install python-setuptools #RHEL/CentOS systems
$ sudo easy_install trash-cli
This article covers how to install and publish a static website using Jekyll. In fact, Jekyll is an open-source static-site generator written in Ruby which allows for quick execution of commands that help manage your site from initial to production deployment, all from your command line.