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This article covers how to successfully install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Debian 11. In fact, Using VirtualBox you can run multiple guest operating system simultaneously. The Guest Additions provides some useful functionalities for guest machines like a mouse pointer integration, full screen view, shared folders, shared clipboard, better and accelerated and much more.
This article covers the best method to get GPing installed on your Linux Mint 20 system. In fact, gping gives ping a nice graph in your Linux terminal.
How to Install gping on Linux Mint ?
On Linux Mint 20, /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref needs to be removed before Snap can be installed. This can be accomplished from the command line:
$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref
$ sudo apt update
To install snap from the Software Manager application, search for snapd and click Install.
Alternatively, snapd can be installed from the command line:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install snapd
To install gping, simply use the following command:
$ sudo snap install gping
This article covers how you can configure an Nginx server block and secure your web server using Let's Encrypt SSL. In fact, Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate is a digital certificate provided by Let’s Encrypt CA ( Certificate Authority) to secure a web server.
How to Install Certbot on your RHEL-based distros / Linux system ?
1. First, install the EPEL repository which provides additional and high-quality packages for RHEL-based distros:
$ sudo dnf install -y epel-release
2. Once installed, install certbot and certbot module for Nginx:
$ sudo dnf install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
This installs certbot, certbot module for Nginx host of other packages and dependencies.
This article covers the different ways to check the health of your Hard Disk Drives and Solid-State Drives. In fact, SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) is a feature enabled in all modern hard disk drives and SSDs to monitor/test reliability. It checks different drive attributes to detect the possibility of drive failure.
What is the need to check Linux system SSD and HDD drives ?
If you are a system administrator and responsible for managing Linux systems in Datacenter. Then, it is recommended to check the health of the SSD and HDD drives regularly. It will help you to identify failed drives and they can be replaced before any data loss occurs. S.M.A.R.T is a tool used to monitor the health status of SSD and HDD. It also allows you to perform on-demand tests on the drive.
How to Test SSD Health using Smartctl ?
Smartctl is a command-line utility tool that can be used to check S.M.A.R.T-enabled HDD or SSD status in the Linux system.
Smartctl utility tool comes with the package smartmontools. Smartmontools is available by default in all Linux distributions including Ubuntu, RHEL and Centos and Fedora.
To install smartmontools in Linux, run the below command:
$ sudo apt install smartmontools
To Start Smartmontools service, execute the below command:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/smartmontools start
Smartd service will start automatically after the successful installation.
If not started, start smartd service:
$ sudo systemctl start smartd
This article covers a complete guide on how to install Vsftpd with SSL/TLS on Ubuntu 20.04. In fact, sftpd (i.e. very secure FTP daemon) is an FTP server software for Linux and other Unix-like systems. An FTP server software facilitates the transfer of files from a client computer to the server and vice versa.
This article covers and easy step by step guide on how to install OpenMAINT on Ubuntu 20.04. In fact, OpenMAINT helps in management of mobile assets (buildings, infrastructure, etc.), plants and technical devices (electric panels, heating and cooling, light fixture, fire extinguishers, etc.), furniture, etc., and the related logistical, economical and maintenance activities (scheduled and corrective ones).