

Install Arduino IDE on CentOS 8 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how to install Arduino IDE on CentOS machine either via the direct download method or the snap method. Also, you will learn how to uninstall Arduino. Arduino IDE stands for the "Arduino Integrated Development Environment". Arduino is used to create electronic devices that communicate with their environment using actuators and sensors. Arduino IDE contains an editor that is used for writing and uploading programs to the Arduino board. Before starting to create projects through Arduino, the user needs to set up an IDE for the programmable board.

How to Launch Arduino IDE on CentOS Linux System ?

Now, you will launch the Arduino IDE from the desktop. Click on 'Activities' and select show application form where you will launch Ardunio IDE to double click on the application icon.

You can also launch using the search bar, click on the 'Activities' where you can see a search bar. You will type 'Arduino' in the search bar.

Install Android Studio on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how to install Android Studio using different methods. Also, you will learn how to remove Android Studio in case you don't need it anymore. Android Studio is the most widely used software for android mobile application development. Android Studio is developed by Google and it can run on different operating environments like Windows, macOS, and Linux. Most of the current popular android applications are developed on Android Studio. This tool has various built-in features that provide a stable and fast environment for developing applications.

How to Install Android Studio through snap ?

You can install the android studio using snap on your Ubuntu system using the following command:

$ sudo snap install android-studio --classic

You can also install android studio using the below-mentioned command:

$ sudo snap remove android-studio

Install phpMyAdmin with Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how to Install phpMyAdmin with Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04 system. When developing a website or web application, many users need the functionality of a database system like MySQL. However, interacting with the system solely from the MySQL command-line client requires familiarity with Structured Query Language — more commonly referred to as SQL — which can present a major hurdle for some users. phpMyAdmin was created to allow users to interact with MySQL through an intuitive web interface, running alongside a PHP development environment. 

How to Secure phpMyAdmin with Let's Encrypt SSL ?

Before starting, you will need to install the Certbot client to download and install Let's Encrypt SSL.

1. First, add the Certbot repository with the following command:

$ add-apt-repository ppa:ahasenack/certbot-tlssni01-1875471

2. Next, update the repository and install the Certbot client using the following command:

$ apt-get update -y
$ apt-get install certbot python3-certbot-nginx -y

3. Once the Certbot has been installed, run the following command to download and install the Let's Encrypt SSL for your domain:

$ certbot --nginx -d phpmyadmin.domain.com

Install LAMP Stack on CentOS 7 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers how to install LAMP stack on CentOS 7. LAMP is a stack of applications that work together on a web server to host a website. With that being said, each individual program serves a different purpose.


  • Linux serves as the server's operating system that handles all the commands on the machine.
  • Apache is a web server software that manages HTTP requests to deliver your website's content.
  • MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) whose function is to maintain user's data on a server.
  • PHP is a scripting language for server-side communication.

To install Apache easily using CentOS's package manager, yum:

1. Run the command.

$ sudo yum install httpd

2. Once it installs, you can start Apache on your server.

$ sudo systemctl start httpd.service

3. You can do a spot check right away to verify that everything went as planned by visiting your server's public IP address in your web browser.


Important PHP Modules:

  • php-bcmath.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications for using the bcmath library.
  • php-cli.x86_64 : Command-line interface for PHP.
  • php-common.x86_64 : Common files for PHP.
  • php-dba.x86_64 : A database abstraction layer module for PHP applications.
  • php-devel.x86_64 : Files needed for building PHP extensions.
  • php-embedded.x86_64 : PHP library for embedding in applications.
  • php-enchant.x86_64 : Enchant spelling extension for PHP applications.
  • php-fpm.x86_64 : PHP FastCGI Process Manager.
  • php-gd.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library.

Check Ubuntu Version using Different Methods

This article covers how to check OS version using different methods. You can get more information of Ubuntu releases at official site of the Ubuntu Releases.

If you are using Ubuntu 16.04 then you can Upgrade using this guide Upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Ubuntu is a free, open-source Linux-based operating system, which has a long list of release versions. Finding out which Ubuntu version is running on your system can be important when troubleshooting issues or searching for installation guides.

To check the Ubuntu version, use the following command in terminal:

$ lsb_release -a

This will display you some details about your distribution including Ubuntu version:

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal

Remove Files and Directories Using Linux Command Line - The Right way ?

This article covers how to Remove Files and Directories Using Linux Command.

The procedure to remove all files from a directory:

  • Open the terminal application.
  • To delete everything in a directory run: rm /path/to/dir/* .
  • To remove all sub-directories and files: rm -r /path/to/dir/* .