

Different methods to Upload files using command line

How to use different methods such as Rsync, Scp, and  SFTP to upload files to the server.

How to fix SMTP status code 431 error

SMTP error 431 results when you have too many recipients while sending an email.

How to tackle curl 78 RETR response 550

cURL 78 error is usually triggered when the requested file is not available or the resource referenced in the URL does not exist.

How to fix SQL Server Error 824

SQL Server Error 824  is a logical Input/Output (I/O) error which affects database and makes it to be damaged or corrupted.

How to fix high CPU usage of Woocommerce on Wordpress

Methods to stabilize Woocommerce CPU usage such as optimizing images and effective management of databases.

How to fix rsync skipping non-regular file error

Rsync "skipping non-regular file" error is usually triggered when  symlinks is missing or lack of a recursive mode option while transferring data and files between servers.