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This article covers how to copy multiple files using the cp command in Linux. In fact, cp is the command entered in a Unix and Linux shell to copy a file from one place to another, possibly on a different filesystem. The original file remains unchanged, and the new file may have the same or a different name.
This article covers how to easily create a bootable usb for Linux Mint. In fact, we can create a bootable USB for any other Operating System. All we need is an ISO image of that OS, a Universal USB Installer, and a USB drive and we are good to go.
To see how to create a bootable USB using Ventoy, visit:
This article covers How to Set a Custom SSH Warning Banner and MOTD in Linux. In fact, SSH banner warnings are necessary when companies or organizations want to display a stern warning to discourage unauthorized parties from accessing a server.
This article covers how to install the Octave programming language on a Linux Mint 20 machine. In fact, Octave is a (mostly MATLAB® compatible) high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command-line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically.
How to Install octave on Linux Mint via Snapd ?
1. Enable snapd
On Linux Mint 20, /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref needs to be removed before Snap can be installed. This can be accomplished from the command line:
$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref
$ sudo apt update
To install snap from the Software Manager application, search for snapd and click Install.
Alternatively, snapd can be installed from the command line:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install snapd
2. Install octave
To install octave, simply use the following command:
$ sudo snap install octave
This article covers the different methods to check if the disk is HDD or SSD in a Linux operating system like Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server. In fact, Checking SSD/HDD health in Linux will help you to identify failed drives and they can be replaced before any data loss occurs. Therefore, If you are a system administrator and responsible for managing Linux systems in Datacenter, then, it is recommended to check the health of the SSD and HDD drives regularly.
Checking SSD/HDD health in Linux will help you to identify failed drives and they can be replaced before any data loss occurs.
How to use SMART monitoring tools in Linux ?
Smart monitoring tools is a control and monitoring utility for SATA, SCSI hard drives and solid state drive. The tool comes with a command called 'smartctl'.
Use yum to check which package provides smartctl command:
# yum provides smartctl
The output will suggest that smartmontools is the package that distributes smartctl command.
To Install smartmontools, run:
# yum install smartmontools
Use smartctl command:
# smartctl -a /dev/sda
This article covers the commands (find, locate, whereis, grep) with the help of different examples to help you easily find files and directories in your Linux mint system. In fact, In Linux operating systems, the find command may be used to search for files and directories on your system. To search for files in a directory, the user invoking the find command needs to have read permissions on that directory.
The general syntax for the find command is as follows:
$ find [options] [path...] [expression]