
SolusVM error Datastore not found - Follow step by step fix

Sometimes SolusVM users encounter the Datastore not found error while loading the metrics for a node.

Here at Ibmi Media, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform related SolusVM database queries.

In this context, we shall look into how to resolve this SolusVM error.

Nature of SolusVM Datastore not found error?

The following factors result in this error:

  • Corrupted package: svmmodule-hypervisor-metrics on affected SolusVM slave node.
  • Version mismatch: If RPM package svmmodule-hypervisor-metrics has updated to version 1.0.2 separately from SolusVM and it requires latest SolusVM version to work properly.

Methods to resolve SolusVM Datastore not found error?

1. Corrupted package

When metrics are not loaded in 'SolusVM > Nodes > Metrics' for the required node, you will get the below error message:

Datastore not found

Then, file /usr/local/solusvm/Modules/HypervisorMetrics/Hypervisor is missing from affected SolusVM node:

ls -l /usr/local/solusvm/Modules/HypervisorMetrics/Hypervisor
ls: cannot access /usr/local/solusvm/Modules/HypervisorMetrics/Hypervisor: No such file or directory

To fix this error, simply take the following steps:

i. Firstly, connect to the affected slave node over SSH.

ii. Then, reinstall the package:

# yum reinstall svmmodule-hypervisor-metrics -y

2. Version mismatch

After OS system updates performed on the node – yum update, metrics on page Dashboard > Nodes > node_name > Metrics failed to load:

Datastore not found. Is the hypervisor metrics module installed? It can take 10 minutes for graphs to start to show after installation.

To install the module manually run the following in SSH on the hypervisor:

sh /scripts/install-metrics-module

In order to resolve this error, simply perform the following steps:

Firstly, access SolusVM web interface.

Then, browse to Tools > Updates and update SolusVM to its latest version (mainline >= 1.25.03, stable >= 1.24.19).

[Need help to fix any SolusVM error? We are here for you. ]


This article covers methods to resolve SolusVM "Datastore not found" error. It generally happens while loading the metrics for a node.