
MongoDB failed to load list of databases - Fix it now

Recently, some of our Customers informed us that they received an error 'MongoDB failed to load the list of databases' while trying to connect to a remote database using Robomongo.

This error can occur due to various reasons that include failed database user/password authentication, outdated Robo 3T version, and so on.

Here at Ibmi Media, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to resolve MongoDB errors.

In this context, we shall look into how to fix this MongoDB error message.

How to fix the error 'MongoDB failed to load the list of databases' ?

Here, you will learn different ways to resolve this error message.

Here are the different ways to resolve the error.

1. We suggest upgrading the Robo 3T version.

In some of the cases that we saw, this error was fixed by just upgrading the Robo 3T version.

2. If there is any failure in the database user/password authentication then this error can occur. It means that the server IP connection might be successful but the database might have not connected.

So we need to re-check the database user/password.

For that, access Connection Settings >> Authentication – Provide Database name, username, password.

After that, we re-test the connection.

This must resolve the error.

3. If the user that we are trying to connect doesn’t have proper privileges to list the databases.

For Robomongo to list out the databases/collections, we must connect to our database using a user that has 'listDatabases' privileges.

So we need to set these privileges for the users.

[Need urgent assistance in fixing MongoDB errors? – We are here to help you.]


This article covers how to resolve the error 'MongoDB failed to load the list of databases' can occur due to various reasons that include failed database user/password authentication, outdated Robo 3T version, and so on.

The error 'MongoDB failed to load the list of databases' means that you can't connect if there are no databases to list. 

To fix the error 'MongoDB failed to load the list of databases':

1. You can fix this issue with 1.2 connecting to a new mongo 4.2.

It's fixed when using robo3t version 1.3, which supports newer version of mongo.

2. You can create a database and a collection for it. 

Once you create a database and a collection, it works.

3. You will need to upgrade mongodb to the last version, so you can to connect in your local database.