
Category: Windows

Top 5 Best Open-Source Screenshot Tools for Linux

This article covers the best functioning and currently available screenshot tools enabling Linux users across the globe. There are many screenshot tools, however, not all come with the open-source functionality that despite enabling the user to modify and adjust the tool according to their needs and requirements, also help to enhance and improving the performance and feature set of the too, thereby enabling every user of the tool. 

Therefore, the discussed tools are free and open-source which offer unlimited access to features and functionalities and ever enhancing the platform’s functionalities and performance.

To capture the entire desktop, simply press the PrtScr button. Captured images are saved in the 'Pictures' folder. Another easy way of capturing screenshots is using the SHIFT + PrtScr keyboard combination. This reveals a crosshair pointer that you can drag to grab the area that you wish to capture.

Install Rhythmbox on Linux Mint 20 - Step by Step Process ?

This article covers the best method of installing the Rhythmbox audio playing application on a Linux Mint 20 system. Rhythmbox is a free and open-source audio player that plays and helps organize digital audio files. the features of Rhythmbox like Music playback, gapless playback, music importing, audio CD burning and SoundCloud support. 

How to remove Rhythmbox from Ubuntu?

You can also remove it by downgrading the player via command window at the same time:

$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps

If it fails to remove, you can also remove it from the Software and Update utility on Ubuntu.

Main Features of Rhythmbox:

  • Fixed Critical Errors and Internal Bugs.
  • Fixed Rhythmbox crashed during import.
  • Command option added.
  • Very good layout and design.
  • Play queue UI improvements feature added.
  • Added Expand playing icon in the entry view
  • Fixed hangs for a special file type.
  • Fixed Open settings Crash for this app.
  • Fixed Keyboard navigation tab when searching an entry widget.

Top 5 Languages for Automation in Linux

This article covers software programming languages which are the top-rated languages being used by the quality assurance engineers for designing and developing the most efficient and reliable test automation software. Python, Java, C#, JavaScript and Ruby, all are well-acclaimed programming languages to deliver and support test automation for software applications developed in any of the platforms.

Automation testing is one of the booming demands of all organizations across the globe. Many quality assurance engineers face a key challenge in setting up an environment capable of most seamlessly testing the developed software against the documented test cases and requirements. Verifying and validating all the test case scenarios is a tedious task to perform thereby giving rise to the need for automation testing. Automation testing significantly enhances and improves the software testing processes.

Top 5 Linux Distros for Gaming

This article covers the leading gaming distros for Linux. Pop!_OS tops our list of the best gaming distros available in the market for Linux operating system users. Ubuntu, being an efficient and overall optimal operating system that ensures execution of any task, comes second on our list. Whereas GamerOS, Fedora Games Spin, and Manjaro Gaming Edition follow the suit. The here listed paradigms are found and proven to be the best gaming distros for Linux by many reviewers and users. From Pop!_OS to Manjaro Gaming Edition, any adopted distro is ensured of providing an efficient, seamless, and enhanced gaming experience to the Linux gamers. 

However, many other distros too lead the market such as Drauger OS, Lakka, etc. Still, the distros listed in this guide have proven to outperform their peers numerous times and thereby are listed here as the top five best Linux Distros for Gaming.

Top 5 Source Code Repositories

This article covers the top-performing code repositories which are all Git-based. Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for the development of the Linux kernel, and henceforth it can be safely concluded that all the discussed source code repositories support and are compatible with not just Linux but the rest of the operating systems too. Any source code developed or created in any of the operating systems can seamlessly be managed in GitHub, BitBucket, SourceForge, Assembla, and CloudForge. Along with that, the paradigms are top-rated by users and many reviewers around the globe. 

Therefore, to manage the software application development processes, any of the discussed paradigms can be safely adopted and is assured of providing optimal performance and expected services.

Top 5 Container Management Software

This article covers the best performing container management software tools that have served their purpose across all the platforms, i.e., Windows, macOS, and Linux, and have most seamlessly handled and deployed applications ranging from small-scale to large or enterprise-scale. Basically, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS ECS, Apache MESOS, and OpenShift are capable to autonomously design, deploy and manage any software application in any environment.