

Working with System Locales in Linux

This article covers how to set a system and view the locale on Linux. In fact, Locale settings usually consist of at least a language code, a country/region code, time / date format, numbers format setting, currency format setting, Color setting, and so on.

To view the information regarding the currently installed locale use the following command on the terminal:

$ locale

For more information, see the locale, update-locale and localectl man pages with the below commands respectively:

$ man locale
$ man update-locale
$ man localectl

Generate CSR (Certificate Signing Request) in Linux ?

This article covers the process of creating a CSR file in any Linyx system which is very necessary before applying for an SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority(CA). In fact, Certificate Signing Request(CSR) is a block encrypted text which is given to Certificate Authority when applying for SSL Certificate. Generation of Certificate Signing Request(CSR) for Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) is common in Linux on various distributions. 

CSR is generated on the server, it stores information relating to the organization, domain name, country, a city which is to be included in the certificate.  The CSR Certificate can be used on any website whenever it is necessary to encrypt communications. To generate an SSL certificate, CSR certificate has to be generated. To obtain a self-signed SSL Certificate, it is necessary to create CSR, after generating submit it to a certificate authority to acquire an SSL Certificate. 

Best 7 Open-Source Password Management Software

This article covers the best free, open-source, and cross-platform compatible password management solutions. In fact, The main objective of password management software is to manage credentials for different accounts. But, there are password managers available in the market which can do a lot more than just managing the credentials.

As per our research, we have found seven best of the leading password managers, that despite being free, open-source, and cross-platform compatible, also provide key features required in a password manager. These key features mainly include an easy mechanism for storing and accessing the passwords along with ensuring a secured platform that guarantees password safekeeping, such as utilizing database encryption mechanisms. The top 7 best here listed password managers are Bitwarden, Buttercup, KeePassXC, Pass, PasswordSafe, Universal Password Manager (UPM), and KWallet. These password managers, as per our research and findings, provide a secured environment for storing passwords and seamless mechanisms for accessing the passwords, thereby fully being able to satisfy user's password management needs and requirements.

Best 5 Open-Source Product Management Software

This article covers the best product lifecycle management (PLM) or simply, the product management software. The listed software are Apache OfBiz, Ofoo, OpenPLM, Aras Innovator, and OpenBOM. The listed offer efficient and most market competitive features and capabilities along with offering free subscriptions, open-source development, and are cross-platform compatible. There are also other famous and efficient PLM software but none of them are equipped with free subscriptions, or are open-source, and cross-platform compatible along with providing state-of-the-art features and capabilities all in one.

Best 4 Open-Source Remote Desktop Tools for Linux

This article covers the best remote desktop tools for accessing Linux systems remotely. These are the best 4 RDP clients or tools that ensure optimal performance and provide seamless access to Linux-based computer systems. The 4 best RDP tools are Zoho Assist, Remmina, TigerVNC, and XRDP.

Enable Snap on Rocky Linux / AlmaLinux

This article covers how you can install and enable snap of your Rocky Linux system. In fact, Snap are packages that are developed to install on Linux systems regardless of what the Linux distribution flavor is. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether you are on Ubuntu, Debian Rocky Linux, Centos, OpenSUSE, etc.

How to install Snap-Store ?

In case you are using the Graphical user interface of Rocky Linux then we can also install Snap store GUI on it to install its packages using the graphical interface rather command line:

$ sudo snap install snap-store
$ reboot

With the completion of the above installation, go to Applications and search for Snap Store. When its icon appears, click to run it.