

How to Provision docker containers with Ansible

This article will guide you on how to provision docker #containers using Ansible. #Ansible seamlessly automates #Docker and the process of building and deploying containers.
Ansible Container will allow users to build, #deploy, and orchestrate containers at scale, all from Ansible playbooks.

Using Cron to Automate Tasks on CentOS 8

This article will guide you on the steps to set up #Cron job on #CentOS 8 to help automate #tasks. Cron is a #clock daemon, whose name originates from #Chronos, the Greek word for time. It enables users to automate the execution of #commands, scripts (a group of commands) or programs at specified time intervals.
The simplest way to validate that cron tried to run the #job is to simply check the appropriate log file; the log files however can be different from system to system. In order to determine which log file contains the cron #logs we can simply check the occurrence of the word cron in the log files within /var/log .

Getting Device version and Device Name in Ionic

This article will guide you on how to get the Device’s version & Name in Ionic.
To Get #Device #version and Device Name in #Ionic:
1. Install cordova-plugin-device / @ionic-native/device : $ ionic #cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device. 2. Install cordova-plugin-device-name : $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device-name.
3. Once the above two are installed/added to the #project, they should show up in the project's package.
In order to Display Version number on Ionic iOS and Android Builds:
i. Use the Supermodular2 starter app and set it all up and running.
ii. Use Ionic's plugin #App Version.
iii. Build the app and display the #version number.

Deploy Laravel using Nginx on Ubuntu

This guide will help to set up Laravel with #Nginx on #Ubuntu 16.04. Laravel is the most popular, free, and open-source #PHP #framework in the world, known for its expressive and elegant syntax.
To move laravel project from localhost to production server, do:
1. Zip your #laravel app files.
2. Export your app's #database then set it up on your server.
3. After you have uploaded your laravel app files, open the . env file found on the root.
4. That's it!, now check your live #site.

Steps to Optimize WordPress on Ubuntu 20 04

This article will guide you on steps to optimize #WordPress on #ubuntu 20.04 by performing some simple and easy steps.
Caching can also help improve your WordPress site's #performance and #speed. #Caching, a core design feature of the HTTP protocol meant to minimize network traffic while improving the perceived responsiveness of the system as a whole, can be used to help minimize load times when implemented on your site.
WordPress offers a number of caching #plugins that are helpful in maintaining a snapshot of your site to serve static HTML elements, reducing the amount of PHP calls and improving page #load speed.
Optimizing Theme Configuration with a lightweight #theme can help your #installation to load more efficiently. A theme will require fewer database calls and by keeping your site free of unnecessary code, your users will have fewer delays in site speed and performance.

Steps to Install GoAccess on Ubuntu

This article will guide you on how to #Install GoAccess on Ubuntu which is a command-line tool and how to use it for analyzing server #logs.
With #GoAccess, you are able to #SSH into any web server you control and view or analyze relevant statistics quickly and securely. Apart from the command-line dashboard interface, it's also capable of displaying the #statistics in other formats such as HTML, JSON, and CSV, which you can use in other contexts or share with others.