

How to install WordPress using One-Click Install on DigitalOcean

This article will guide you on the process to install #WordPress by using One-Click Install feature on DigitalOcean.
#DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting provider headquartered in New York City with data centers across the globe. Its seamless connectivity allows users to deploy and scale multiple web applications simultaneously without any lag. DigitalOcean offers private virtual Linux OS-powered machines called  ‘droplets’.

How to install Metricbeat on CentOS 7 to Gather Infrastructure Metrics

This article will guide you on the steps to install #Metricbeat and configure the Elastic Stack to collect and analyze system metrics. Metricbeat is configured using a #YAML configuration file. On Linux, this file is located at: /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat. yml. On #Docker, you will find it at: /usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat.
Both #Filebeat and #Logstash can be used to send #logs from a file-based data source to a supported output destination.

Steps To Harden OpenSSH Client on Ubuntu 18 04

This article will guide you on how to harden #OpenSSH Client by following some quick and easy steps.
#Hardening of the #OS is the act of configuring an OS securely, updating it, creating #rules and #policies to help govern the system in a secure manner, and removing unnecessary applications and services. This is done to minimize a computer OS's exposure to threats and to mitigate possible #risk.

How to fix Common Virtualmin DNS Problems

This article will guide you on how to tackle #Virtualmin Common #DNS #Errors which occurs when glue #records at the #registrar are not correct. So to fix this, you should use the correct records on the Virtualmin system. You should also ensure that the DNS server #IP addresses are correct.

Steps to Edit Sudoers File in Linux Process to get it done

This article will guide you on how to edit #Sudoers File in Linux which involves #root privileges, with a special focus on editing the /etc/sudoers file. You can configure who can use #sudo #commands by editing the /etc/sudoers file, or by adding configuration to the /etc/sudoers. To edit the sudoers file, we should always use the #visudo command. This uses your default editor to edit the sudoers configuration.

HAProxy Logging with Rsyslog on CentOS 8

This article will guide you on how to set up #HAProxy Logging #Rsyslog with some quick and easy steps. HAProxy is installed with RightScale load #balancer ServerTemplates. Load-balancer servers are also known as front-end servers. Generally, their purpose is to direct users to available #application servers. HAProxy can be installed in front of them to provide load balancing and high availability.