

Missing DLL files errors on Windows 10

This article will guide you on how to resolve #Windows Missing DLL files. A recent #application #installation sometimes overwrites an existing DLL file with an incompatible or invalid DLL file. A malicious #program has deleted or damaged a #DLL file.
To add a missing . DLL file to Windows:
i. Locate your missing . dll file at the DLL Dump site.
ii. Download the file and copy it to: "C:\Windows\System32".
iii. Click Start then Run and type in "regsvr32 name_of_dll. dll" and hit enter.

Hiding and Showing Tabs on certain pages in Ionic

This article will guide you on the steps to hide and show tabs on certain pages. Here, you will see that your tabs automatically hide when you navigate to a page in the hideTabBarPages array.
Ionic 4 uses Angular's #routing system, instead of the #Ionic 3 method of navController. Here, we will be leveraging this change, to allow us to pragmatically hide the tab bar on pages of our choice while leaving it visible everywhere else.

Using Kill Commands In Linux

This article will guide you on how to use Kill #Commands In #Linux. Here, you will learn several ways to #terminate a running process. However, one should exercise caution to prevent incorrectly terminating a #process that should not be killed.
The #kill -9 command sends a SIGKILL signal indicating to a service to shut down immediately. An unresponsive program will ignore a kill command, but it will shut down whenever a kill -9 command is issued.

Monitoring VMware with Nagios XI

This article will guide you on the steps to Monitor VMware with #Nagios.
To Monitor the VMware host
i. Enter the Address, Username and Password of your #ESX / #ESXi host.
ii. Select Monitor the #VMware #Host.
iii. Click Next to go to Step 2.
iv. On step 2 you will configure all of the options for #monitoring.

Send Syslog with SSL TLS to Nagios Log Server

This article will guide you on how to Send #Syslog with #SSL / #TLS to Nagios Log Server by encryption which ensures that the #traffic between the #Linux machine and Nagios Log Server is not sent in plain text.

Process to install Docker on Windows

This article will guide you on the steps to install docker on Windows by setting up a Linux virtual #machine to run as a guest in Windows 10 Home.
Docker Desktop is an easy-to-install application for your #Mac or Windows environment that enables you to build and share containerized applications and microservices. Docker Desktop includes Docker #Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Compose, Notary, #Kubernetes, and Credential Helper.
You can download #Docker #Desktop for Windows from Docker Hub. This relates to installing Docker Desktop on #Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education.