
Unable to create a KVM VPS in SolusVM - How to fix ?

Sometimes, SolusVM users come across a problem when trying to create a KVM VPS. This generally as a result of a missing column in a table.

Are you unable to create a KVM VPS in SolusVM? We can help you.

Here at Ibmi Media, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform related SolusVM queries.

In this context, we shall look into how to quickly resolve this database issue.

Nature of unable to create a KVM VPS in SolusVM ?

While trying to create a KVM VPS in SolusVM, you will see an error message such as this:

There seems to have been a slight problem with our database, please try again

This can happen when the column 'tablet_input' is missing in SolusVM database table 'kvmdata'.

On checking the browser Dev Tool(F12) > Network tab > Response tab you can see the following error:

Unknown column 'tablet_input' in 'field list'

If the error triggers immediately after SolusVM master node migration, it could be because the database was migrated from SolusVM version less than 1.25.01.

In such cases, we could also see the below error in the browser's DevConsole (f12) > Network > createkvm.php > Response:

Failed adding new vm
SQL:INSERT INTO kvmdata (vserverid, uuid, vif0, vif1, lvm, xid, mac, vcpu, vncport, hvmiso, cdrom, buildq, buildt, tablet_input)
VALUES (‘5278’, ‘02523d24-97ff-4a94-bd95-528274c99fd0’, ‘vif3039.0’, ‘vif3039.1’, ‘vg’, ‘3039’, ’00:16:3c:f9:f2:ce’, ‘1’, ‘4’, ”, ‘0’, ‘1’, ’11’, ‘0’);
Error: Unknown column ‘tablet_input’ in ‘field list’
Error #: Unknown column ‘tablet_input’ in ‘field list’

Steps to fix unable to create a KVM VPS in SolusVM ? 

If the error triggers immediately after the migration, you can fix this error by updating Solusvm with the steps below:

  • Firstly, connect to the SolusVM Master server over SSH.
  • Then, update SolusVM:
  • To the latest stable version or switch SolusVM to it, execute: # upcp 1
  • To the latest mainline version or switch SolusVM to it, execute: # upcp 2

If the error is not related with migration, we may fix it by adding the missing column with the steps below:

i. Firstly, connect to Master node via SSH.

ii. Then, create SolusVM database backup.

iii. Access the database with the following query:

# awk -F: ‘{ system(“MYSQL_PWD='”‘”‘” $3 “‘”‘”‘ mysql -u ” $2 ” “$1)}’ /usr/local/solusvm/includes/solusvm.conf

iv. Add the missing column with the query:

Alter table kvmdata add column `tablet_input` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’;

[Need help to fix SolusVM error ? We can help you. ]


This article covers the most effective method of fixing database issues while creating KVM VPS in SolusVM. In fact, to fix this error, simply Add the missing column to the specified table.