
Category: Docker

htop Tool in Linux - htop command explained with examples

This article covers how to use the htop tool in Linux. In fact, the htop command is an interactive process viewer for Linux / Unix systems. It is a text-mode application and requires the ncurses library.

How to Install and Use Htop in Linux System ?

To install Htop on a Linux operating system distribution of your choice, reference one of the following installation commands:

$ sudo apt-get install htop     [On Debian, Ubuntu and Mint]
$ sudo yum install htop         [On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux]
$ sudo emerge sys-process/htop  [On Gentoo Linux]
$ sudo pacman -S htop           [On Arch Linux]
$ sudo zypper install htop      [On OpenSUSE]  

Host Command in Linux - Explained With examples

This article covers how to use the host command in Linux. In fact, host performs DNS lookups, converting domain names to IP addresses and vice versa. When no arguments or options are given, host prints a summary of its command line arguments and options.

Convert PNG, JPEG to WebP in Ubuntu? ( Also WebP to PNG and JPEG )

This article covers how to convert PNG, JPEG format to WebP in Ubuntu. 

How to Add WebP support to GNOME Image Viewer in Ubuntu and Other Linux ?

1. On Ubuntu-based Linux distributions, you can install this library using a PPA. Use the following commands one by one:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:krifa75/eog-ordissimo
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install webp-pixbuf-loader

2. On Fedora, use:

$ sudo dnf install webp-pixbuf-loader

3. On Arch Linux, use:

$ sudo pacman -S webp-pixbuf-loader

How to install gThumb in Ubuntu and other Linux ?

To install gThumb in Ubuntu and other Ubuntu based Linux distributions, use the command below:

$ sudo apt-get install gthumb

Nice and Renice Command – How to Set Process Priority in Linux ?

This article covers more about the nice and renice command in Linux. In fact, If you need to set such priority for the specific process for the kernel to load and execute the process with the correct management of CPU resources, these nice and renice come in handy. 

Install and Use Neofetch on Linux ( RHEL /CentOS / Arch ) - Step by step Guide ?

This article covers different ways of installing Neofetch on major Linux distributions. In fact, Neofetch is a handy tool when you want to display information about the system you are working on. It's mostly useful in tutorials and guides when you want to show your readers the OS and hardware type you are using.

To see what other options you can specify with Neofetch, run the neofetch --help command.

Monitor your NGINX web / proxy server using Amplify

This article covers Amplify which is an important monitoring tool having a significant role for the better handling of the server that is based on a SaaS monitoring platform. In fact, Amplify support for Nginx Plus, php-fpm and other components of the underlying operating system is a great advantage for the Nginx users to monitor all the involved systems through a WEB UI portal.

Nginx Amplify Agent collects the following types of data:

  • Nginx Metrics – It collects various Nginx-related metrics from stub_status, logs files, and from the process state.
  • System Metrics – Nginx Amplify monitors a variety of system metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and many more.
  • PHP-FPM Metrics – If it identifies a running PHP-FPM master process, it gets metrics from the PHP-FPM pool status.
  • MySQL Metrics – The MySQL global status set of variables can be used by the agent to collect metrics.
  • NGINX Metadata – The agent gathers data about NGINX instances such as package data, build information, binary path, build configuration settings, and many more.
  • System Metadata – The agent collects data on the operating system, including hostname, uptime, OS flavor, and other details.