AWS security vulnerabilities
This article will guide you on how to create a virtual machine using #Lightsail in AWS.
AWS Cloud Compliance enables you to understand the robust controls in place at AWS to maintain security and data protection in the cloud.
The IT infrastructure that AWS provides to its customers is designed and managed in alignment with best #security practices and a variety of IT security standards.
AWS WAF is a web application #firewall that helps protect your web applications or APIs against common web exploits that may affect availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources.
List of AWS Limitations:
1. #AWS service limits. AWS service limits are set by the platform.
2. Technology limitations. An exceptional characteristic of this limiting factor is that it can be applied to all Cloud services, not just on AWS.
3. Lack of relevant knowledge by your team.
4. Technical support fee.
5. General Cloud Computing issues.
Roundcube empty startup greeting
This article will guide you on methods to resolve #Roundcube empty startup greeting error which occurs due to many reasons which include improper configuration of SSL, network #problem, firewall #error and so on.
Roundcube is a webmail client with strong security features and extensive customization options from its plugin repository.
It is important to set Roundcube config file as follows:
$config['default_host'] = 'imaps://domain.tld';
// TCP port used for IMAP connections
$config['default_port'] = 993;
To fix cPanel Roundcube Webmail "An error occurred":
This error indicates a potentially corrupt index file.
1. establish an SSH session with the server and navigate to:
/home/<username>/mail/<domain name>/<email account name>/
2. Find dovecot.index and rename it to dovecot.index.bak.
DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive in Docker
This article will guide you on why you should not set the DEBIAN_FRONTEND value to noninteractive is a 'cosmetic' change. If you really need to change its setting, make sure to change it back to its default value afterward. Simply prepending an apt command with DEBIAN_FRONTEND=something does not persist after the single command to which it is applied.
apt-get update downloads the package lists from the repositories and "updates" them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies.
It will do this for all repositories and PPAs.
To Preserve Configuration Files:
During package installation or upgrade, Debian may wish to prompt the user on overwriting a configuration file.
This preference can be appended to the installation command:
apt-get install -q -y \
-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" \
-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" \
This command will instruct the installer to quiet any messages, assume yes, and then upgrade configuration files if no changes are present in the new package.
Manage KVM guest virtual machines via virsh commands
This article will guide you on how to use to manage KVM guest virtual #machines using virsh #commands.
virsh is a command line utility for managing virsh guest domains/virtual machines and the #hypervisor.
Linux list a KVM vm guest using #virsh command.
The main command interface used to control both Solaris xVM and guest domains is the virsh command. virsh provides a generic and stable interface for controlling virtualized operating systems.
Many virsh commands act asynchronously. This means that the system prompt can return before the operation has completed.
#KVM lets you turn Linux into a hypervisor that allows a host machine to run multiple, isolated virtual environments called guests or virtual machines (VMs).
To log into VM with Virsh, simply:
1. Open a shell prompt or login using ssh.
2. Login to a host server called server1.
3. Use the virsh console command to log in to a running VM called 'centos7' type: virsh console centos7.
The virsh destroy #command initiates an immediate ungraceful shutdown and stops the specified guest virtual machine.
Using virsh destroy can corrupt guest virtual machine file systems.
Use the virsh destroy command only when the guest virtual machine is unresponsive.
Customer Service Strategy Best Methods
This article will guide you on the customer service strategies that we follow to refresh the existing one based on some aspects.
The Purpose of the Service Strategy is to define the perspective, position, plans, and patterns that a service provider needs to be able to execute to meet an organization's #business Outcomes.
There are five major aspects of service design. These are service solutions, management information systems and tools, technology and management architectures and tools, processes and measurement systems.
Winning #Customer #Service #Strategies:
1. Optimize Agent Training. Invest in an agent training program to ensure your agents are empowered and prepared to meet customer needs.
2. Choose the Right Tools..
3. Improve Call Center KPIs..
4. Personalize the Experience..
5. Make Data-Drive Decisions..
6. Optimize Quality Assurance (QA).
7. Offer Omnichannel Support.
IMAP server wants to alert you to the following error
This article will guide you the different causes for the error 'your IMAP server wants to alert you to the following'.
IMAP #Error code #0x800cccdd appears alongside the message "Your IMAP server closed the connection", which signifies that the "Send/Receive" feature—a setting that retrieves your #Outlook mail whenever connected to the Internet in order to keep your mail synced—has failed.
The error message "Your account temporarily blocked for #IMAP use. This may be happen if you exceed the maximum number of simultaneous IMAP connections allowed. Kindly try after some time" occurs when the mail client or different mail clients are trying to establish too many connections to IMAP server.
A server connection timeout means that a server is taking too long to reply to a data request made from another device. Timeouts are not a reply message: they show up when there isn't a reply and a server request is not fulfilled in a predetermined length of time.
To fix the mail server is not responding:
1. Check your internet connection.
2. Check your #SMTP server details.
3. Verify all usernames and passwords.
4. Check your SMTP server connection.
5. Change your SMTP port.
6. Control your #antivirus or #firewall settings.