

ISPConfig DKIM to verify mail server

This article will guide you on how to enable #DKIM on ISPConfig control panel. DKIM is an authentication standard for a domain name that sends an email, for use against spam and phishing. 

It's possible to have more than one DKIM key published in your #DNS records. So, the DKIM selector is important for ensuring that your emails can be properly authenticated. The <selector> field specifies which DKIM key you're using, and the <header domain> field is filled with your domain name.

To generate DKIM Record in #ISPConfig:

1. Login to ISPConfig.

2. Click on Email.

3. Inside Email Accounts >> Select Domain and click on Mail Domain name.

4. Click on #DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).

5. Tick Enable DKIM and Click on Generate DKIM Private-key Button.

6. Copy #DNS Record and add it to your DNS with its DKIM Selector.

7. Click on Save Button.

Microsoft SQL server error 18470 How to fix it

This article will guide you on the different factors that causes SQL server error: 18470 and also how to fix this #error.

In SQL Server Configuration Manager, in the left pane, click SQL Server Services. In the results pane, right-click SQL Server (#MSSQLServer) or a named instance, and then click Start, Stop, Pause, Resume, or Restart.

User gets the #Microsoft SQL Server Error: 18470. This may happen if the SA (System Administrator) user account is disabled in #SQL Server. It can be verified by trying to log in to SQL Server Management Studio (#SSMS) using the SA account. In the Login Properties screen, select Status on the left side.

To Microsoft SQL Server Error 18456:

1. Log In with Remote Desktop.

2. Run Microsoft SQL Server Management.

3. Checking the Server Authentication Mode.

4. Restart the SQL Service.

5. Checking SQL User Permissions.

6. Mapping the User to the #Database.

HTTP IIS redirect not working

This article will guide you on different methods to fix HTTP IIS redirect not working #error. There are several reasons why you might want to redirect clients to a new location. For example, if your company is migrating to a new Web site, you could redirect all requests from the old Web #site to the new Web site. Likewise, if you have deployed a new #application on a Web server, you could redirect all requests for the old application's #URL namespace.

To install HTTP Redirection on IIS 7 and later:

1. On the taskbar, click Server Manager.

2. In Server Manager, click the Manage menu, and then click Add Roles and Features.

3. In the Add Roles and Features wizard, click Next. Select the installation type and click Next. Select the destination server and click Next.

4. On the Server Roles page, expand Web Server (#IIS), expand Web Server, expand Common HTTP Features, and then select HTTP Redirection. Click Next.

5. On the Select features page, click Next.

6. On the Confirm installation selections page, click Install.

7. On the Results page, click Close.

Also, you can Configure the HTTP status #code, which can be one of these three options:

i. 301 Permanent.

ii. 302 Found.

iii. 307 Temporary.

iv. 308 Permanent #Redirect.

Reset Windows Administrator Password from Hyper-V

This article will guide you on steps to reset the forgotten #Windows Administrator password from Hyper-V using an #ISO file.

Microsoft's Hyper-V virtualization can greatly reduce cost of operations. By purchasing a few very powerful #servers you can virtualize all or most of your entire infrastructure while reducing the cost of #hardware and maintenance.

To Reset Lost Admin Password for Hyper-V Virtual #Machine:

1. Select the administrator account, then click the Reset Password button to reset the password to blank. 

2. Click the Restart button to reboot the virtual machine, you are able to log in to the administrator account with a blank password.

Install Drush on Drupal 8

This article will guide you on steps to #install #Drush in #Drupal 8. Drush is a command-line utility to manage Drupal #CMS. For this installation of the Drush scripting interface, we will be working primarily on the command line. This is because Drush is a command line interface, and all of the commands you will use will need to be issued from there.

Drush is the command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal.

To Install a global Drush via #Composer:

1. Install Composer globally.

2. Install the cgr tool following the instructions in that project.

3. Add composer's bin directory to the system path by placing export PATH="$HOME/.

4. Install latest stable Drush: cgr drush/drush .

5. Verify that Drush works: drush status.

VestaCP mail not working How to fix

This article will guide you on different methods to resolve #Vestacp #mail #problems which generally occurs mainly due to #Exim problem, firewall issues, and so on. This tips will resolve the #email problems in VestaCP.

To fix email not working:

1. Verify your internet connection is working. If it's not, there are four things you can do to fix it.

2. Make sure you're using the correct email server settings.

3. Confirm your password is working.

4. Confirm you don't have a security conflict caused by your firewall or antivirus #software.