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This article covers Terraform DigitalOcean VPC. In fact, the Terraform module to create VPCs on Digitalocean.
This article covers how to use SCP command in DigitalOcean to transfer files. In fact, The secure copy protocol also follows regular command-line and SSH functionality, helping to create a seamless command set for managing files between Linux machines.
This article covers an overview of Transit VPC Google cloud networks. In fact, transit connectivity is a solution where we can connect a network with multiple peered networks, it can act as a centralize transit hub through which we can route traffic to multiple VPCs together so it will save overall cost to set up multiple VPNs between networks.
This article covers how to install VirtualBox on a Digitalocean Droplet running Ubuntu.
To Launch the VirtualBox interface , run the following command:
$ virtualbox
This article covers how to set up Jenkins in Digitalocean using Centos 8. In fact, When automating tasks with Jenkins, users can optimize their workflow by quickly automating the jobs that servers cannot do themselves.
This article covers how to use Putty on the Digitalocean platform. In fact, DigitalOcean Droplets are Linux-based virtual machines (VMs) that run on top of virtualized hardware. Each Droplet you create is a new server you can use, either standalone or as part of a larger, cloud-based infrastructure.
Deleting a Droplet permanently and irreversibly destroys the Droplet and its contents, and its automated backups. Optionally, you can also destroy a Droplet and its associated snapshots, volumes, and volume snapshots.