
Category: Server Management Service

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Customer Service

In this article, you will see the different pros and cons to #outsourcing #customer #service. However, each case is unique. We should know best if outsourcing customer service could be the right way.

Outsourcing to someone who specialises in delivery of that part of your process, and therefore has up-to-date systems, technology and staff, can improve the quality of that service by reducing costs, improving final output quality or freeing up your internal staff for other roles they could be performing.

However, the flexible solutions allow you to consider the best-case scenario. Consider all possibilities and pick a scaleable, high-quality solution that best fits the business profile.

Benefits of outsourcing customer service:

1. Focus on core tasks.

2. Lower costs.

3. Promote growth.

4. Maintain operational control.

5. Offer staffing flexibility.

6. Provide continuity and risk management.

7. Develop internal staff.

Wget SSL error How to fix it

This article will guide you on steps to fix #Wget #SSL error which is a generic #error that pops an error message "Unable to establish SSL connection" .
To support encrypted HTTP ( #HTTPS ) downloads, Wget must be compiled with an external SSL library, currently #OpenSSL. If Wget is compiled without SSL support, none of these options are available."
You might need to check whether the version of wget you are using supports #SSL.

Yum http error 416 How to fix it

This article will guide you on steps to fix #yum #HTTP #error 416 which occurs while updating, installing, upgrading packages. This is rectified easily via disabling the delta #rpm problem, reinstalling a #package, clear #caching and so on.
To fix this error:
1. yum clean all
2. yum upgrade --exclude=polkit*
3. reboot
4. yum clean all
5. yum upgrade

Disable Password History in DNN websites

This guide will help to disable password history in #DNN by disabling Enable #Password #History option under the Membership Management tab.
To disable Disable Password History in DNN:
In Host > Host Settings > Advanced Settings > Membership Management, you can disable the history by unchecking "Enable password history".

Content Encoding Error content_encoding_error

This article will guide you on steps to resolve #Content #Encoding #Error (content_encoding_error) which makes the server returns a #gzip compressed object, but the content is actually text.
The  cause of this error message is a #web server whose #HTTP response headers indicate that it will be responding with one type of encoding, but instead responds with a different type of encoding. For example, what is commonly seen is that a web server returns a gzip compressed object, but the content is actually text.

MySQL BLOB Data Type

This article will guide you on how #MySQL #BLOB data type works in storing and displaying images with #PHP on Ubuntu 18.04. A BLOB is a binary large object that can hold a variable amount of data.
A Binary Large OBject (BLOB) is a collection of #binary data stored as a single entity in a database management system. Blobs are typically images, audio or other multimedia objects, though sometimes binary executable code is stored as a blob.
The four BLOB types are #TINYBLOB , #BLOB , #MEDIUMBLOB , and #LONGBLOB . These differ only in the maximum length of the values they can hold. The four TEXT types are TINYTEXT , TEXT , MEDIUMTEXT , and LONGTEXT .
The size of blob in MySQL:
TINYBLOB - Up to 255 bytes - 1 byte
BLOB - Up to 64 Kb - 2 bytes
MEDIUMBLOB - Up to 16 Mb - 3 bytes
LONGBLOB - Up to 4 Gb - 1 Bytes