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This article will guide you on method to fix #Joomla #503 service unavailable which occurs due to web traffic or bad PHP scripts or corrupted #modules.
A 503 Service Unavailable Error is an HTTP response status code indicating that a server is temporarily unable to handle the request. This may be due to the server being overloaded or down for maintenance.
To Fix an #HTTP #Error 503:
1. Reboot your server.
2. Check to see if your web server is going through maintenance.
3. Fix faulty firewall configurations.
4. Sift through your server-side logs.
5. Comb through your website's code to find bugs.
This article will help you give you more informations about #Zabbix Postgres vs MySQL and the criteria to choose between them.
PostgreSQL is an Object Relational #Database Management System (#ORDBMS) whereas MySQL is a community driven DBMS system. PostgreSQL support modern applications feature like #JSON, XML etc. while MySQL only supports JSON.
PostgreSQL supports Materialized Views whereas #MySQL doesn't supports Materialized Views.
#PostgreSQL is known to be faster while handling massive data sets, complicated queries, and read-write operations.
Meanwhile, MySQL is known to be faster with read-only commands.
Advantages Of Using MySQL:
1. It's Easy To Use.
2. Support Is Readily Available Whenever Necessary.
3. It's Open-Source.
4. It's Incredibly Inexpensive.
5. It's An Industry Standard.
6. It's Got A Few Stability Issues.
7. It Suffers From Relatively Poor Performance Scaling.
This article will guide you on how the TICK stack can be a powerful tool for storing, analyzing, and visualizing time series data. To monitor InfluxDB _internal metrics in a production #cluster, use Telegraf and the influxdb input plugin to capture these metrics from the InfluxDB /debug/vars endpoint and store them in an external InfluxDB monitoring instance.
More about Kapacitor:
#Kapacitor is a native data processing engine for #InfluxDB 1. x and is an integrated component in the InfluxDB 2.0 platform.
Kapacitor can process both stream and batch data from InfluxDB, acting on this data in real-time via its programming language TICKscript.
A retention policy (RP) is the part of InfluxDB data structure that describes for how long InfluxDB keeps data.
InfluxDB compares your local server's timestamp to the timestamps on your data and deletes data that are older than the RP's DURATION .
A single database can have several RPs and RPs are unique per database.
This article will guide you on methods to mitigate ICMP flood #attack. This is the type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack in which an attacker attempts to crash, destabilize, or freeze the targeted computer or service by sending malformed or oversized packets using a simple ping command.
Many network administrators feel that ICMP is a security risk, and should therefore always be blocked at the firewall. It is true that ICMP does have some security issues associated with it, and that a lot of #ICMP should be blocked.
But this is no reason to block all ICMP traffic!
To mitigate Ping flood attack:
1. Disabling a ping flood is most easily accomplished by disabling the ICMP functionality of the targeted router, computer or other device.
2. A network administrator can access the administrative interface of the device and disable its ability to send and receive any requests using the ICMP, effectively eliminating both the processing of the request and the Echo Reply.
3. The consequence of this is that all network activities that involve ICMP are disabled, making the device unresponsive to ping requests, traceroute requests, and other network activities.
This article will guide you on tips to resolve sitemap blocked by robots.txt which is generally caused due to developers improperly configuring the robots.txt file.
A #sitemap is a blueprint of your website that help search engines find, crawl and index all of your website's content. #Sitemaps also tell search engines which pages on your site are most important.
A sitemap is vital for good SEO practices, and #SEO is vital in bringing in traffic and revenue to the website.
On the flip side, sitemaps are essential to having search engines crawl and index the website so that the content within it can be ranked within the search results.
txt file is usually the first place crawlers visit when accessing a website. Even if you want all robots to have access to every page on your website, it's still good practice to add a robots. txt file that allows this. txt files should also include the location of another very important file: the #XML Sitemap.
Crawl-delay in robots. txt.:
The Crawl-delay directive is an unofficial directive used to prevent overloading servers with too many requests.
If search engines are able to overload a server, adding Crawl-delay to your robots. txt file is only a temporary fix.
This article will guide you on how to install a Minecraft server on #Ubuntu 20.04 and set up a daily backup. You can now launch the Minecraft client, connect to the server and start Minecraft adventure.
Setting up a #Minecraft server on #Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) is a fairly easy task on the command line.
Of the previously given ports, the only one I want you to memorize is 25565, because that is Minecraft's default port number. What we want to do is forward inbound traffic on port 25565 to our Minecraft server that's located on the private internal network.
Process of Setting up Minecraft Server on Ubuntu:
1. Create New Minecraft User. Add the new “minecraftuser” to the “sudo” group.
2. Add Minecraft User To Sudo Group.
3. Switch To Minecraft User.
4. Install wget Package.
5. Install Java OpenJDK package.
6. Check Installed Java Version.
7. Install Screen Package.
8. Create A Minecraft Directory.
To Install #Steam from Ubuntu package repository :
i. Confirm that the multiverse Ubuntu repository is enabled: $ sudo add-apt-repository multiverse $ sudo apt update.
ii. Install Steam package: $ sudo apt install steam.
iii. Use your desktop menu to start Steam or alternatively execute the following command: $ steam.