

WordPress 403 Forbidden Error

This article will guide you on different methods to fix the 403 #forbidden error in WordPress.

The 403 Forbidden #error means that your server is working, but you no longer have permission to view all or some of your site for some reason.

The two most likely causes of this error are issues with your WordPress site's file permissions or .htaccess file. 

Also, some plugin issues might also cause the #403 Forbidden error.

To Fix 403 Forbidden WordPress Error:

1. Create a Backup. Most of the time, you are not responsible for the errors that occur on your WordPress website hosting server.

2. Check . htaccess File.

3. Deactivate All Plugins. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to #Plugins - Installed Plugins.

WordPress RSS Feed Errors

This article will guide you on different methods to fix WordPress RSS feed #errors on your #site. You will also see the causes those errors and how to avoid them in the future.

A feed is a function of special #software that allows feedreaders to access a site, automatically looking for new content and then posting the information about new content and updates to another site. 

This provides a way for users to keep up with the latest and hottest information posted on different blogging sites.

To enable an #RSS feed in #WordPress:

1. Log in to your WordPress admin area and go to Widgets in the Appearance section.

2. Click on Add next to the RSS widget.

3. In the Current Widgets section on the right, click on Edit for the RSS widget.

4. Type the RSS feed URL, its title (optional) and check what item details to display (optional).

WordPress Error Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance

This article will guide you on how to #fix 'Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance' #error in WordPress. 

To take your site out of #maintenance mode and get rid of the “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute” message, all you need to do is delete that . maintenance file.

There are many reasons a site might not load such as a misconfiguration, corrupt files, problems with a database or something as simple as needing to clear your browser's cache and cookies on your computer.

To place your #WordPress Website down for maintenance:

1. First, you need to select the status. You can select 'Enable Coming Soon Mode' or 'Enable Maintenance Mode'. 

2. You can also select redirect mode which allows you to simply redirect your users to some other website. 

3. After choosing maintenance or coming soon mode, click on the 'Save all changes' button.

MySQL error log cPanel

This article will guide you on more information about MySQL error logs and methods to resolve its errors. 

You will learn how to fix MySQL errors, crashes and other unexpected behavior from #MySQL. 

To view mysql error logs:

1. edit /etc/my.cnf [mysqld] log=/tmp/mysql.log.

2. restart the computer or the mysqld service service mysqld restart.

3. open phpmyadmin/any application that uses mysql/mysql console and run a query.

4. cat /tmp/mysql.log ( you should see the query ).

To Clear cPanel Error Log:

1. Login to your server using an #SSH client.

2. To clear the #Apache #errors, type the following and press Enter. cat /dev/null> /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log.

3. To delete PHP error_log files, type the following and press Enter. find /home -type f -name error_log -delete.

Enable FirewallD logging for denied packets on Linux

This article will guide you on how to enable #FirewallD logging for denied packets on #Linux. It is an important task to keep an eye on the rejected and dropped packets using FirewallD for #Linux system administrators. 

To enable logging option you need to use #LOG iptables/kernel module. It turn on kernel logging of matching packets. When this option is set for a rule, the Linux kernel will print some information on all matching packets (like most IP header fields) via the kernel log.

To log a dropped packet in iptables:

1. iptables -N LOGGING: Create a new chain called LOGGING.

2. iptables -A INPUT -j LOGGING: All the remaining incoming packets will jump to the LOGGING chain.

3. line#3: Log the incoming packets to syslog (/var/log/messages).

To  restart iptables:

i. To start firewall from a shell enter: # chkconfig iptables on. # service iptables start.

ii. To stop firewall, enter: # service iptables stop.

iii. To restart #firewall, enter: # service iptables restart.

Memcached DDOS attack

This article will guide you on methods to mitigate Memcached DDOS attacks which occur mostly by accident. To mitigate this attack, you can Disable #UDP, #Firewall #Memcached servers, and so on.

 DoS attack is a denial of service attack where a computer is used to flood a server with TCP and UDP packets. A DDoS attack is where multiple systems target a single system with a DoS attack. The targeted network is then bombarded with packets from multiple locations.

DDoS attacks are illegal under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Starting a DDoS attack against a network without permission is going to cost you up to 10 years in prison and up to a $500,000 fine.

There are three essential security measures that all small businesses should take to protect themselves from #DDoS #attacks: Use a web application firewall (#WAF): The absolute best way to prevent a DDoS attack is through the use of a WAF that blocks bad traffic and prevents DDoS attacks from accessing your web server.

A Denial-of-Service (#DoS) attack is an attack meant to shut down a machine or network, making it inaccessible to its intended users. DoS attacks accomplish this by flooding the target with traffic, or sending it information that triggers a crash.

Different DDoS attack method:

1. UDP flood.

2. ICMP (Ping) flood.

3. SYN flood.

4. Ping of Death.

5. Slowloris.

6. NTP Amplification.

7. HTTP flood.